Would be a massive help if someone could help me with creating a custom report builder source.
I am trying to turn the following data into a report builder :
- For all users in ( one or more ) audiences, I need to get the MAX of their prog completions completion date and the minimum of their next due data.
Here is the raw SQL that I think gives me what I want :
SELECT co.name,u.email,
FROM_UNIXTIME(MAX(pc.timecompleted)) AS 'Completion Date'
FROM mdl_prog p
JOIN mdl_prog_completion pc ON pc.programid = p.id AND p.certifid IS NOT NULL
JOIN mdl_cohort_members cm ON cm.userid = pc.userid
JOIN mdl_cohort co ON co.id = cm.cohortid
JOIN mdl_user u ON u.id = cm.userid
GROUP BY u.id,p.id
which gives me the following joins with 'prog' being my base source
- prog_completion
- cohort_members
- cohort
- users ( or ausers in the reportbuilder)
Although I get the right data in my report my total number of records are just "2 records"
I believe this is due to the fact that I have my GROUP BY in my source where "GROUP BY prog_completion.id,cohort.id"
Happy to share more snippets of my source class if needed.
Working with Totara 12.