Totara Learn Open Discussions

Audience Visibility and Record of Learning

Audience Visibility and Record of Learning
BlakeSue 发表于 2020年04月1日 Wednesday 02:53
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I have just changed a group of courses to No Users for audience visibility as we are no longer running this courses.

When I checked individuals  (who had enrolled on these courses) Record of Learning these switched off courses are still appearing (but greyed out). 

Is there any setting I can change for these courses that will result in them not appearing on the Record of Learning for these people?

Hoping for some suggestions.



Re: Audience Visibility and Record of Learning
LamJennifer 发表于 2020年04月1日 Wednesday 04:20

Hi Sue,

The users are longer enrolled and will not be able to view the course content but Record of Learning is actually any completions that they have done, therefore, the course will still show. The only way that we usually to remove them from the Record of Learning would be removing their course completions manually through the Course Completion Editor. But this will mean the course completions will be removed completely in the system so it will not show in any reports or anything.

Hope this makes sense!
