Totara Community Updates

Bringing learning, performance and engagement together, theming Totara and authoring with Adapt

Matt Linaker
Bringing learning, performance and engagement together, theming Totara and authoring with Adapt
von Matt Linaker – Tuesday, 7 April 2020, 8:42 AM
Gruppe Totara

Welcome to everyone who has recently joined the Community and we hope that everyone is coping okay during these uncertain times. We know that many people’s working situations have changed, and I hope you’re all adapting as well as you can. We’ve got lots of different things happening in the Community to help provide a layer of support for you all.

Many of us will now be working entirely online which will include your daily work, your training and development work as well as all your productivity and performance management tools. As we all move to an entirely digital culture, there will be many questions as to how everything we’re now doing online joins up. Tomorrow at 4pm (BST) / 10am (CST) Totara’s Chief Learning Officer, Lars Hyland will be running a webinar to reflect on the need for an integrated digital ecosystem which can bring learning, performance management and employee engagement together. In the webinar, Lars will also look at:

  • Why people matter – strategy trend
  • What motivates us at work?
  • The move to more integrated ecosystems
  • The strategic flexibility of open technology

Register for the webinar

We’ve got lots of great webinars coming up; in the next couple of weeks we’ll look at how to theme Totara Learn out of the box and how to make the most out of the Adapt authoring tool.

Theming Totara Learn: The basics – 15th April 4PM BST / 10 AM CST

If you'd like to improve the look and feel of your Totara Learn site, but don't have a front-end designer handy, join Totara's Senior Solutions Consultant Meredith Henson for a 'live makeover' session on how to apply a configuration-based design.

Register for the webinar

Adapt Learning and Totara Learn - a seamless learning experience – 22nd April 4PM BST / 10 AM CST

 In this webinar, held by Totara Platinum Partner, LearnChamp, you'll learn: 

  • How responsive elearning content can boost learner engagement.
  • How to develop a digital learning course in Adapt and publish it directly to your Totara Learn instance.
Register for the webinar

If you can’t wait for this webinar check out our webinar on-demand that takes a closer look at the Adapt authoring tool.

Supporting your peers in the sector spaces 

With many people using Totara in similar industries the Community is an easy way to support each other on similar projects. For example in the Government sector spacepeople are sharing resources and guides to support people as they work from home. If you’re not already in a sector space why not start sharing resources in the HealthcareRetailEnergyTechnology and Professional services spaces.

Upskill with the Totara Academy

There may be more pressure on your L&D department to deliver quickly during this period. To help you, here are some of the top Academy courses that can support you as you look to deliver training quickly:

As well as accessing individual courses you can complete an Academy certification today.

Totara Learn Site Administrator V12

Course Creator certification

If you’d like to be the first to know about new courses, webinars and news from Totara then follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter and read articles from our blog such as ‘the ultimate instructor’s guide to moving training online' and 'how participation and collaboration boost employee engagement.'

Stay safe everyone.