Totara Learn Open Discussions

What triggers a message telling a user they have conflicting sign ups for an event?

Rick Gividen
What triggers a message telling a user they have conflicting sign ups for an event?
von Rick Gividen – Tuesday, 5 May 2020, 8:24 PM

I have a user who went to Sign-up for a Seminar activity > Event. She got a message saying she had a conflicting sign up.

She believes it is because she is the Editing Trainer for a course that also has a Seminar activity > Event that conflicts with the same date/time.

? What is it that triggers a user getting the conflicting sign-up message? 

? If a user has the role of Editing Trainer in another course that has a conflicting Seminar activity > Event as an activity in that course, does it create a conflict even if the Editing Trainer is not signed up as an attendee for the Seminar activity > Event in their own course?

In case I made that less clear - :-). Here is example:

Susan is the Editing Trainer for Course A. Course A has a Seminar activity > Event on Thursday, May 7, 2020 at Noon-2PM America/Denver time.  Susan is not listed as an attendee for this Event. Other Trainers are going to attend and manage the Event.

Susan wants to attend a Seminar activity > Event in Course B. That Event in Course B is also being held on Thursday, May 7, 2020 at Noon-2PM America/Denver time. Will Susan get a sign-up conflict automatically if she tries to sign-up for the Event in Course B. Is there a Seminar activity or Event setting that would preclude the conflict?

Many, many thanks in advance for your help!

Craig Eves
Re: What triggers a message telling a user they have conflicting sign ups for an event?
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Thursday, 7 May 2020, 8:16 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Rick

If a user is an editing trainer for a seminar event this assumes that they are running the event so need to be at the event during the event hours.

This means that they would get the conflicting time message if they are wanting to enrol as a Learner at the same time in another event.

When an admin manually adds an attendee  there is a check box that can be ticked to 'Allow scheduling conflicts' so they will be able to be added.
