Totara Learn Open Discussions

Initial certification pathways being lost if recert/update has not been completed before expiry

Craig Eves
Re: Initial certification pathways being lost if recert/update has not been completed before expiry
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 6 de April de 2021, 16:12
Grupo Totara

Hi Jussi

When a Certification expires the course completion records in the certification will be archived to history and the courses in the recertification path will be reset and a new expiry date set and will be available for enrolment.

Once a learner has been enrolled into a course through a certification they remain enrolled . Can you explain more on why you need to unenrol users from courses in their primary certification path?

One way you could achieve this is to use the program enrolment setting Enrolment duration to a set period but this would also apply to courses in the recertification path eventually.
