Totara Learn Open Discussions

Upcoming face-to-face traning in calendar view

Martin Simcik
Upcoming face-to-face traning in calendar view
di Martin Simcik - Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 04:23

Hi, do any of you have  or know a plugin or block that is used to display upcoming seminars in the format day (with hours), week, month in a nice calendar view? It would be ideal if it was a plugin that would display this information directly from the terms of face-to-face training with a link to the date of face-to-face training.



Craig Eves
Re: Upcoming face-to-face traning in calendar view
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 4 June 2020, 16:43
Gruppo Totara

Hi Martin

There is currently a Calendar block that can be added to a course or a site page that shows the Seminar events that have been added to the calendar . See Seminar bookings  for the various display options.

Can you explain in more detail in what format you require - the Calendar appearance can be modified as described here


Martin Simcik
Re: Upcoming face-to-face traning in calendar view
di Martin Simcik - Monday, 8 June 2020, 07:28
Hi Craig, thank you for your recommendation.

The Calendar block is a solution that I thought about right at the beginning. However, I come across some limitations that I cannot overcome.

1. I would like the Calendar block to look the same as the Calendar in the main menu (the names of seminars within individual days - in month view are immediately displayed in the Calendar, while in the Calendar block you must first hover mouse for the given day). And most importantly, I would like it to show only the current week and at the top would be a button to move on to the next/previous weeks.
2. I would like the calendar to show the user all seminar events, even for courses in which the user is not enrolled. It should actually be a calendar of all seminars events that take place in a given week. Such an offer of seminar events across the entire system.
3. I would also welcome an actual day view of seminar events - ideally it would look something like this.



Craig Eves
Re: Upcoming face-to-face traning in calendar view
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 8 June 2020, 14:43
Gruppo Totara

Hi Martin

Thanks for the extra details on your requirements - I will address each one below,

  1. The Calendar does not support a weekly view only monthly and daily . This would need to be added as a feature request outlining the use case for weekly views.
  2. In each seminar settings there is Calendar options > Calendar display settings select Site so the seminar date only appears on the Site calendar. You may also want to untick 'Show entry on user's calendar' to prevent duplicate event showing on the calendar.
  3. When you click on an Event in the calendar the other events for the day view displays details of other events on the day. 

Another alternative is to create a seminar report (probably using the seminar session report) and adding a filter for session start and filter by ' is between start of today and 7 days after today' Save this search.

Then use the Report table block with the saved search and add to the page you want this to appear in


Martin Simcik
Re: Upcoming face-to-face traning in calendar view
di Martin Simcik - Monday, 15 June 2020, 23:59

Hi Craig, many thanks for your advice. You helped me understand some of the functionalities of the calendar, and even that solution with a saved report is a great idea.

Have a nice day
