Totara Learn Open Discussions

User report based on Course Completion Questions

Lyn Bennett
User report based on Course Completion Questions
par Lyn Bennett, Thursday 11 June 2020, 08:46


Before we upgraded to Totara 12, the reports we had built based on Course Completion only listed a course in the user's assigned program if they had accessed the course. With Totara 12, we noticed that all courses in the program were listed, which is something we so desperately needed. Customers and those providing them guidance need to see the progress on all courses whether accessed or not.

We are finding inconsistencies that include with the courses build on Course Completion:

  • Some users who have not yet logged in do not appear on the report, but some do. Why? What determines when the courses will be available to the Course Completion report?
  • Users are assigned to multiple programs, containing multiple courses. Some reports will list all courses in all programs for users and some will just list courses in one program and not list the others.

Our customers/users are assigned to Programs of courses using Audiences.

Is there a documentation on exactly what the Totara programs use to pull data?


Craig Eves
Re: User report based on Course Completion Questions
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Thursday 11 June 2020, 16:57
Groupe Totara

Hi Lyn

A course completion record is created when a user is enrolled in a course.

When a course is included in a program or certification and the user is assigned to the program they are not enrolled in the courses until they launch the course through the program. This is because a check needs to be made to see if the user has completed any courses required to be completed in the program course set requirements.

If the user is enrolled in the course outside of a program then  a course completion record will be created for them without them logging in. It is possible for a user to be enrolled in a course by more than one method. This may explain the inconsistencies you are seeing.

The listing of the courses in the programs depends on whether the report is based on the course completion record or the program completion 

Hopefully this helps explain what is happening.


Lyn Bennett
Re: User report based on Course Completion Questions
par Lyn Bennett, Tuesday 16 June 2020, 08:00

Thanks, Craig. 

Well, time to put on our Sherlock Holmes hat to figure out how a course shows up for a user who never clicked on the link to the course, and figure out how they got enrolled. Currently, the only way to enroll is to click into the course - that we intentionally set up.

Any plans to update the Program Overview report that lists each course in the program on a separate row? Really need to be able to have a report that shows all the courses a user is assigned to in their program, whether they have been enrolled in it or not, with status and the ability to manipulate the data easily in Excel when exported.



Craig Eves
Re: User report based on Course Completion Questions
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Tuesday 16 June 2020, 15:47
Groupe Totara

Hi Lyn

There is an existing feature request to improve the program overview report .

You can add your support to the discussion here  It sounds like you are wanting something along the lines of option 2 .
