Totara Learn Open Discussions

Adding expiry date to certification in totara 10

Brooke Jacobs
Adding expiry date to certification in totara 10
על ידי Brooke Jacobs בתאריך 13/06/2020, 19:57
קבוצה Partnersקבוצה TXP Site Administratorקבוצה V18 Program Complete

Hi everyone, 

Is there a way I can add an expiry date for a certification manually? 

I want to be able to input an expiry date that is the same for everyone regardless of their start date etc.

This is in totara v 10

Craig Eves
Re: Adding expiry date to certification in totara 10
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 14/06/2020, 15:52
קבוצה Totara

Hi Brooke

It is possible to set a fixed completion date in a Certification when you select the Assignment.

This can be changed for an entire audience or at an individual level see Assignment due dates for more details of the options and effects.


Brooke Jacobs
Re: Adding expiry date to certification in totara 10
על ידי Brooke Jacobs בתאריך 14/06/2020, 22:24
קבוצה Partnersקבוצה TXP Site Administratorקבוצה V18 Program Complete

Hi Craig,

Thank you for your response. Is it possible to add a fixed date to the re certification path? For example if the certificate due date was 12/12/2020 can I input a manual date for the re certify by 31/12/9999? 



Craig Eves
Re: Adding expiry date to certification in totara 10
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 15/06/2020, 14:22
קבוצה Totara

Hi Brooke

You can edit the recertfication date under the Certification tab to be based on the fixed expiry date and then change the expiry date to the later date so it doesn't expire till way in the future.
