Totara Learn Open Discussions

How to insert image from Resource Library into the message

Vladimir Puaca
How to insert image from Resource Library into the message
על ידי Vladimir Puaca בתאריך 17/06/2020, 23:48
קבוצה Most Helpful Contributor 2021

HI all, 

sorry this may be very simple, but I can't seem to get it right. 

I want to upload picture to a message that I am sending to learners on a course and in Totara 2.9 it only gives the possibility to retrieve the image from URL. However, when I upload the image to Resource Library in LMS it can only be uploaded as an activity (tried File & Page). 

Unfortunately, when I try to obtain an image from that URL, it doesn't work. 

Is there any way I can get a URL for a image that is hosted in LMS?

Thanks in advance!


Craig Eves
Re: How to insert image from Resource Library into the message
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 18/06/2020, 17:19
קבוצה Totara

Hi Vladimir

I tried this and the link to the image is like

sitename/pluginfile.php/6922/mod_resource/content/1/image filename

Is this the format you get - the image will only be accessible to the user if they are able to access the file - so they would need to be logged in and enrolled in the course the file has been uploaded to.

What sort of message are you trying to do this in - email, web page, Totara notifiaction?
