Totara Learn Open Discussions

How to insert image from Resource Library into the message

Vladimir Puaca
How to insert image from Resource Library into the message
di Vladimir Puaca - Wednesday, 17 June 2020, 23:48
Gruppo Most Helpful Contributor 2021

HI all, 

sorry this may be very simple, but I can't seem to get it right. 

I want to upload picture to a message that I am sending to learners on a course and in Totara 2.9 it only gives the possibility to retrieve the image from URL. However, when I upload the image to Resource Library in LMS it can only be uploaded as an activity (tried File & Page). 

Unfortunately, when I try to obtain an image from that URL, it doesn't work. 

Is there any way I can get a URL for a image that is hosted in LMS?

Thanks in advance!


Craig Eves
Re: How to insert image from Resource Library into the message
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 18 June 2020, 17:19
Gruppo Totara

Hi Vladimir

I tried this and the link to the image is like

sitename/pluginfile.php/6922/mod_resource/content/1/image filename

Is this the format you get - the image will only be accessible to the user if they are able to access the file - so they would need to be logged in and enrolled in the course the file has been uploaded to.

What sort of message are you trying to do this in - email, web page, Totara notifiaction?
