Totara Learn Open Discussions


Clive Massyn
door Clive Massyn - Monday, 29 June 2020, 02:26 AM

Hi guys, I have 2 questions. We have upgraded to version 12 and we have self-registration setup for 3rd parties and their employees to have access to our LMS based on recognised email domains.

Question 1: If the 3rd party employee changes employers and creates another profile under their new employers name (also a recogised email domain) is there an easy way to transfer their record of learning onto the new profile?

Question 2: Is there a way to setup the self registration profile that the password must be reset after a given period of time. We run the risk that the 3rd party employer forgets to let us know for a while that their staff member has left and then they will still have access to the LMS.

As always thank you for the invaluable help!


Re: self-registration
door George Angus - Monday, 29 June 2020, 17:19 PM
Groep Totara
Hi Clive,

1) The only safe way to transfer records is to export the course/program/certification completions and re-import into the new accounts. There are account merging plugins available but they are unreliable and will cause problems further down the line, we unequivocally do not recommend doing this and cannot support it (See here for a discussion).

2) Have a look here: Home/Site administration/Plugins/Authentication/Self-registration with approval/Settings

Specifically the Password expiry settings - Allow passwords to expire after a specified time, Length of time for which a password is valid, Number of days before password expiry that a notification is issued.

Let us know if you have any more queries.



Clive Massyn
Re: self-registration
door Clive Massyn - Wednesday, 1 July 2020, 13:33 PM
Hi George, 

Thanks for the input. 

1) Can the records be exported by user or can it only be all the records for the course and then you can just import for a specific user?

2) We are using the email based self-registration option and it doesn't seem to have the same password options as the Self-registration with approval. 

Re: self-registration
door George Angus - Wednesday, 1 July 2020, 15:00 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Clive,

You can use filters on a report based on the Course completion source to isolate the records you need. You'll probably need to do some pretty minor format adjustments in an external spreadsheet to convert from the report output to the completion upload, its specified here:

Home/Site administration/Courses/Upload Completion Records/Upload Completion Records

Looks like you are right about email based self-registration, I think in the short term you should consider changing over to Self-registration with approval in order to use the password functionality. 

I'll contact our Product team about this issue and see if we can look at an Improvement request to change the functionality, or to completely change over to Self-registration with approval.



Clive Massyn
Re: self-registration
door Clive Massyn - Tuesday, 7 July 2020, 02:02 AM
Thanks for your help George 👍