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Bulk import new info on users's profile? (TL12)

Joyce Maurin
Bulk import new info on users's profile? (TL12)
von Joyce Maurin – Tuesday, 28 July 2020, 7:37 AM
Gruppe Partners


I'm facing an issue with a csv I want to use in order to bulk upload info to users' profile. I'm using HR Import, but apparently it won't allow me to "update" an already existing user even if it should? (The doc tells about create, delete and update).

Have any of you meet this issue yet? How did you manage to proceed?

Find attached the csv and screenshots of my config. If we read the HR Import log, it seems it did not even try to import my "AppCode".

Best regards,

John Wiles
Re: Bulk import new info on users's profile? (TL12)
von John Wiles – Tuesday, 28 July 2020, 10:35 AM

The only times I have seen those username already registered messages are when users are created manually through the site or when the HR import flag is removed from their account.

So, I would start there. If the HR import flag is cleared on their account then you'll have to make sure it is checked before trying to update their information by importing.  But, keep in mind that importing will override any fields included in it if they aren't blank.

I think the email message is a result of the previous errors, and that you may not be allowing duplicate email addresses. 
Craig Eves
Re: Bulk import new info on users's profile? (TL12)
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Tuesday, 28 July 2020, 7:40 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi John

That is right for a user to be updated by the HR import they need to have been added by HR import or the HR Import flag on their profile ticked. 

They also need to have an existing User ID Number which is used in the HR Import file to uniquely identify the user 

it is possible to use bulk user actions to filter users without the HR Import ticked and tick this rather than manually ticking each user.


Joyce Maurin
Re: Bulk import new info on users's profile? (TL12)
von Joyce Maurin – Tuesday, 28 July 2020, 11:29 PM
Gruppe Partners

Thanks to you both!

It turned out I used the "User ID" which is a number we can see on the url for example instead of the "User ID Number" that is used for the HR Import. That was tricky, but I assume these co-exist because this User ID Number is created only to the accounts with the HR Import Flag, that makes sense!

Best regards,