Totara Learn Open Discussions

LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) in v12

Clive Massyn
LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) in v12
MassynClive 发表于 2020年09月3日 Thursday 12:53

Hi guys, 

We may need to explore the possibility of LTI and I have a few questions that I'm hoping the forum can help with:

1) Is LTI possible with version 12? (I'm assuming it is)

2) If we were to go ahead with it, how complicated is it to setup in version 12? Just need idea of whether its a matter or months or weeks etc (We would definitely engage our Totara support partners)  

3) I would imagine that any LMS that we link with would need to support LTI as well and they would need to configure their own LMS too. Their LMS would access the courses in our LMS, we would not be accessing anything on theirs. Would that make the configuration requirements on their side a bit easier? 

4) I've heard someone mention 'deep linking' is that LTI or something completely different?

5) Are there any good resources that you could point me to that might also explain the requirements and process involved and how it works etc?

Sorry for asking so many questions. 



Craig Eves
Re: LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) in v12
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2020年09月3日 Thursday 16:31
小组 Totara

Hi Clive

There is documentation on the External Tool that covers tha setup of LTI 

1) Is LTI possible with version 12? (I'm assuming it is)

Totara comes with an external tool plugin that supports LTI 1.0, LTI 1.1 and LTI 2.0.

2) If we were to go ahead with it, how complicated is it to setup in version 12? Just need idea of whether its a matter or months or weeks etc (We would definitely engage our Totara support partners)  

This plugin requires parameters from the LTI such as the launch url , consumer key and shared secret to access the LTI content - these should be visible in the object and would take a few hours to type in for each LTI

3) I would imagine that any LMS that we link with would need to support LTI as well and they would need to configure their own LMS too. Their LMS would access the courses in our LMS, we would not be accessing anything on theirs. Would that make the configuration requirements on their side a bit easier? 

Yes the object from the external system would need to comply to the  LTI standard

4) I've heard someone mention 'deep linking' is that LTI or something completely different?

This is linking to a specific  page on a website - if the user is taken to another page on the site by the external tool they should be returned back to the original page. this is built into the LTI  standard

5) Are there any good resources that you could point me to that might also explain the requirements and process involved and how it works etc?

There is some information on how LTI works here  - it says it is basic but maybe not.


Clive Massyn
Re: LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) in v12
MassynClive 发表于 2020年09月3日 Thursday 19:37
Hi Craig,

Thanks for your quick reply :)

So we would need to enable the external tool plugin. 'This plugin requires parameters from the LTI such as the launch url , consumer key and shared secret to access the LTI content" this sounds like if we wanted to access learning content on someone else's LMS? 

Once we create a course page would there be somewhere that we would have to indicate that it must be accessible to an external LMS and set the consumer key and then send the url to external party and they would create a course page in their LMS and use the url we provide as the link?

Sorry if I'm not making sense - I'm just trying to understand how it works.




Craig Eves
Re: LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) in v12
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2020年09月3日 Thursday 21:22
小组 Totara

Hi Clive

Once the External tool activity has been added to a course then this will provide the access to the external system .

The tool URL includes the configuration url that is required to access the content from the external tool. The provider will provide the consumer key and shared secret if required.

There are some providers listed at eduapp  some of these are freely accessible and some require a key 

From memory entering the configuration url setups the access to the tool provider and then you select the content from the content provider

Sorry for the vagueness - i haven't been able to get this to work as expected - but there may be a firewall preventing access.


Clive Massyn
Re: LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) in v12
MassynClive 发表于 2020年09月5日 Saturday 14:56
Hi Craig, 

So I have been doing some research and I think I understand what we need to do to make our LMS an LTI tool provider. We need to enable the LTI (experimental) authentication method and the Publish as LTI tool (experimental) enrollment plugin and then it is also recommended to enable 'allow frame embedding' under the Security>HTTP.

The word (experimental) is a bit concerning though - do you know why it was labelled like that, are there still some risks in using the LTI plugins etc? 

Thanks again for all your help.


Craig Eves
Re: LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) in v12
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2020年09月6日 Sunday 15:34
小组 Totara

Hi Clive

There are a few experimental settings in Totara - in general this means it is recommended that these are fully tested before enabling on your site. 

The LTI authentication has been around for a while so is stable but using an external tool does mean that something in the external tool could change that Totara doesn't have control over. however there is a LTI standard that needs to be met so this should not be a problem. 


Clive Massyn
Re: LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) in v12
MassynClive 发表于 2020年09月6日 Sunday 16:15

Awesome, thanks Craig!

Clive Massyn
Re: LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) in v12
MassynClive 发表于 2020年10月6日 Tuesday 19:59
Hi Craig, 

So I have been doing some testing with MoodleCloud. I enabled the authentication plugin, enrolment plugin and the security recommendation. I then created a course page in Totara, published to LTI and got the Launch URL, Secret code.

Created a course page in Moodle and entered the URL details etc (the cartridge link doesn't seem to work for some reason). When I try to access the course in Moodle I see a full replica of our Totara LMS with me logged in etc. Surely this is not how it should work? I would imagine that the Moodle user should only be able to access the course page or specific SCORM activity depending on the selection made for the publish to LTI ie course or specific activity?

Any thoughts?



Re: LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) in v12
MilaneseErin 发表于 2022年02月10日 Thursday 08:33
小组 Totara小组 TXP Site Administrator小组 V18 Program Complete

Clive, I am having a similar issue with the log in screen appearing rather than the course I have published as LTI. I realize your post was over a year ago, but did you figure out a solution?