Totara Learn Open Discussions

Certification and Course Completion

Sue Blake
Certification and Course Completion
de Sue Blake - Thursday, 17 de September de 2020, 00:51
Grupo Good learner 2023Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2022Grupo Most helpful contributor 2023Grupo TXP Site AdministratorGrupo V18 Program Complete

Any guidance on this would be appreciated, not quite sure if it is an issue but we don't tend to use the Certifications option at the moment so my knowledge is limited.

Our H&S Team are looking at moving their mandatory training into Totara.  The question they have asked is around a learner completing a course that is part of a certification but they complete it just as a straightforward course they have access from the normal course library (not by being enrolled in it via the Certification route).  

The concern they have raised is:

a) can that happen and if so how can we stop it happening (if we hide the course i.e. only visible to enrolled users will that stop it happening)

b) if it does happen is there any trigger that picks their completion up and connects it to the Certification?   We need to ensure that their completion is picked up for re-certification.


Craig Eves
Re: Certification and Course Completion
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 17 de September de 2020, 19:47
Grupo Totara

Hi Sue

If a user has completed a course without being enrolled in the course via the certification enrolment plugin then as soon as the user is enrolled in the course via the certification enrolment plugin they will be marked as completed for the course in the Certification.

The certification completion plugin checks if the course can be enrolled in according to the course set rules and if they are eligible then the launch course button appears and selecting this enrols them in the course as part of the certification.

When the user re certifies the courses completions for courses that are in the original and recertification path are reset.


Sue Blake
Re: Certification and Course Completion
de Sue Blake - Friday, 18 de September de 2020, 00:48
Grupo Good learner 2023Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2022Grupo Most helpful contributor 2023Grupo TXP Site AdministratorGrupo V18 Program Complete

Many thanks Craig, I have checked back with them and provided them with the info.  

Their outstanding query about this is if a Learner voluntarily takes the course/program then will Totara recognise that the course is part of a certification route and the refresh workflow automatically kicks in i.e. re-certification.

Craig Eves
Re: Certification and Course Completion
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 20 de September de 2020, 16:02
Grupo Totara

Hi Sue

Totara will recognise the course taken outside of the certification and when they enrol in the Certification that uses this course this will count in the Certification.  

The recertification will automatically trigger once the recertification conditions have been met with dates and course completions.


Sue Blake
Re: Certification and Course Completion
de Sue Blake - Sunday, 20 de September de 2020, 23:00
Grupo Good learner 2023Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2022Grupo Most helpful contributor 2023Grupo TXP Site AdministratorGrupo V18 Program Complete

Thanks, so just to clarify:  

- The learner will still have to be manually enrol on the certification either by themselves or by a person with an appropriate Totara role that can enrol learners.  

- By completing the course outside of the certification Totara doesn't automatically enrol them?


Nathan Harris
Re: Certification and Course Completion
de Nathan Harris - Monday, 21 de September de 2020, 14:00

Hi Sue,

Not sure if this will work for you but we use Audiences to enroll our learners in to Certifications.

We create a dynamic Audience based on course completion of the course.  Certification enrolment is then based on that Audience.

Therefore when a learner completes the course they are automatically put into the Audience and by being in the Audience they are automatically enrolled in the Certification.

Hope that helps.



Sue Blake
Re: Certification and Course Completion
de Sue Blake - Monday, 21 de September de 2020, 23:10
Grupo Good learner 2023Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2022Grupo Most helpful contributor 2023Grupo TXP Site AdministratorGrupo V18 Program Complete

Hi Nathan, many thanks for that suggestion, that does sound a hopeful solution.  I'll have a go at testing it in our sandbox.

The other thing I was considering is if I hide the course (only visible to enrolled users) it might mean that the course cannot be 'found' outside the certification route.



Nathan Harris
Re: Certification and Course Completion
de Nathan Harris - Tuesday, 22 de September de 2020, 13:58

We don't hide courses so not sure about that solution.  We have self enrolment options on our courses so administrators don't get bogged down with enrolments so I guess it depends on how automated you want the process.



Libby Doran
Re: Certification and Course Completion
de Libby Doran - Monday, 18 de December de 2023, 16:11

Just want to say thank you for this post and the helpful answers. It's helping me heaps, 3 years later! 😁

David Wallace
Re: Certification and Course Completion
de David Wallace - Tuesday, 19 de December de 2023, 01:04

Same! And thank-you for commenting Libby and pushing it back up to the top of the list, so I could see it 🙂