Totara Learn Open Discussions

Bulk Uploading Grades to reflect competency

? ?
Bulk Uploading Grades to reflect competency
door ? ? - Monday, 5 October 2020, 19:38 PM

Hey everybody,

Me and my team are using Totara 12 Learn to train call centre employees for using COVID-19 Contact Tracing software.

The self-directed online learning is working great! Upon completing the Program they do further coaching / skill training outside of Totara and then after passing an assessment are deemed competent within a Call Review Tool.

I get a CSV list from that Call Review Tool detailing all the people that are now deemed competent with a passing grade - this is separate from Totara.

I need to then bulk upload that into my learner's Record of Learning. This will make reporting straight from the LMS much easier - clearly detailing the Program Completion and the Sign Off of Competency. The question is, what is the best course / activity to receive my CSV and hold the grade so that I can report, on mass, completion and competency records.

Has anyone done this before and can help me out?


Craig Eves
Re: Bulk Uploading Grades to reflect competency
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 5 October 2020, 20:22 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Shaun

From your description you can use the upload course completion to complete users who are deemed competent.

I am not sure what you mean by competency records is this a grade separate to the course ?


? ?
Re: Bulk Uploading Grades to reflect competency
door ? ? - Monday, 5 October 2020, 20:33 PM

Hi Craig,

I have tried this with an existing course. What I'm unsure is whether the activity inside the course matters

I have used upload course completion to test this and it works in the sense of completing a course. But I need to capture the percentage of an assessment done outside of the course.

Secondly, when I did my test case, I tried uploading a 'fail' percentage of 40 and it kept the course complete. I need it to fail at that point.

Thanks for your help and quick response.

I've attached the screen of my csv for context


Craig Eves
Re: Bulk Uploading Grades to reflect competency
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 6 October 2020, 18:52 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Shaun

Using the course completion upload allows a course grade to be entered but not an activity grade. 

The grade book does allow grade items to be added that could store the percentage of an assessment done outside of the course. This can have a zero weighting attached to it if required.

If you make the course completion condition that a user has to achieve over 40 in the course  grade then this will prevent the course completing when adding a course grade to the gradebook.


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Craig Eves
Re: Bulk Uploading Grades to reflect competency
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 29 March 2021, 16:25 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Garry

I am not sure what this is in relation to - can you provide some more details in your question.
