Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course Inactive Audience Sync Removed

Course Inactive Audience Sync Removed
WilesJohn 发表于 2020年10月14日 Wednesday 10:43

Is there a way to disable the audience sync removal from taking place on courses that are marked as no users in audience visibility?

We're on v11.2 at the moment.

Craig Eves
Re: Course Inactive Audience Sync Removed
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2020年10月15日 Thursday 16:53
小组 Totara

Hi John

I can't think of a way to do this directly as this is what happens currently in the audience visibility interface.

My suggestion is you create an audience called No members and include a rule in the audience sync that you want to retain that they have to be a member of the No members audience as well.

Then when you want the course to be visible you can delete the 'Is a member of No members audience' rule.

Not an elegant solution - others may have a better idea


Re: Course Inactive Audience Sync Removed
BradleyCarla 发表于 2020年10月29日 Thursday 14:56
Hi Craig. After troubleshooting an issue today, I discovered there's more to John's original issue.

One of my staff members updated a course description today, and then our help desk was flooded with calls from users who had lost access to the course. After some testing we realized that updating the course description removed the audience syncs. Then I tested changing the course category -- this also removed all audience syncs.

I'm not sure whether any "edit course" action would strip the audience sync. I'd have to do some more testing. But it seems like almost any "edit course" action strips all audience syncs.

This makes me wonder -- is this something OUR system is doing, or does Totara do this by design? We are using 11.2, and I supposed it's possible one of our plugins is causing Totara to behave differently than designed, but it would really help me decide our next steps if I knew for certain whether core Totara installations behave this way.

If it's something Totara does by design, is this function updated in Version 12 or 13, or does the removal of audience syncs occur in those versions as well? We will be updating to 12 soon.

We are self-hosted.