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Temporary Manager field not appearing in Report Builder

Temporary Manager field not appearing in Report Builder
CareyMark 发表于 2020年10月27日 Tuesday 21:18
小组 Partners

The Help for Totara 12 says that the "User's Temporary Manager Name(s)" should appear in the "User" section of the fields, as the 'Report Builder fields in Help' screenshot. This is for the "User Source". 

It doesn't appear there, in any report sources that I can find, in either the "User" or "User's Job Assignments" section of the available fields.

We do have it in the 'Deprecated fields' section, but that isn't a long term solution.

The 'Job Assignment' source does have lots of Temporary Manager fields, but no content restrictions currently available, so that isn't a solution in the case I'm working with.

Temporary Managers are enabled in the site, and there are lots of temporary managers assigned.

Am I missing something in settings, or are there plans to enhance the field in the User Source, for example?

Craig Eves
Re: Temporary Manager field not appearing in Report Builder
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2020年10月28日 Wednesday 13:37
小组 Totara

Hi Mark

Looking at the ticket that deprecated these fields the reason given is that the temporary manager is available in the job assignments report so not required in the user report as well. 

Is there information from the user report that is not available in the job assignments report for you?


Re: Temporary Manager field not appearing in Report Builder
CareyMark 发表于 2020年11月16日 Monday 20:20
小组 Partners
Hi Craig,

The Job Assignments report source would give the necessary data, but the problem is that there are no content restrictions available in that source, whereas the User report source has content restrictions but not the data required. That means that a user would get all of the 10k+ users in the site instead of (say) only their own temporary reports; that's the particular use case here.

