Totara Learn Open Discussions

Feedback/Survey options

Teri Murray
Feedback/Survey options
par Teri Murray, Wednesday 28 October 2020, 11:59


I'm looking to set up a feedback/survey option for a seminar course that will automatically send an email to the learner once they have been marked as fully attending the in person course.  I'm thinking of maybe using the seminar notification function to link back to a course that has been set up with just the feedback questions.  Wondering if anyone has done anything similar or if there is an easier way.  Also - if I add a notification, will that only get sent out to new users moving forward or would that retroactively send out messages to anyone who has previously attended the in person session?

Thanks for any help.


Craig Eves
Re: Feedback/Survey options
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Wednesday 28 October 2020, 14:22
Groupe Totara

Hi Teri

There isn't a standard seminar notification template I can see that is sent to fully attending.

It is possible to create your own template and select the recipients as Attended only - this notification wouldn't be sent retrospectively as the trigger is is after the event has closed.

You can also use Access restrictions on the feedback activity so it is only visible to users who have completed the Seminar activity with a passing grade.


Teri Murray
Re: Feedback/Survey options
par Teri Murray, Thursday 29 October 2020, 06:24


That was the option I was looking to use.  I wondered though if I use that and mark the attended only will that generate a notification to go out for any of the sessions that have been attended in the past? This is an ongoing class that has weekly sessions.  I only want it to start sending out the survey now and not for everyone who has been to any of the sessions previously.
