Totara Learn Open Discussions

Webinar recordings and followups

Meredith Henson
Webinar recordings and followups
by Meredith Henson - Thursday, 19 November 2020, 6:16 AM
Group Totara

Hi all,

A reminder that recordings of all our past webinar sessions are available right here on the Totara Community within the Academy Course Catalogue.  This includes our two most recent Community sessions on Measuring success through data: Introducing Totara Learn's new report builder and Building blended learning through seminar management in Totara Learn 13

There were just two questions we didn't have time to answer in yesterday's session on the Seminar activity so posting responses below.

Currently if you pick no show, it won't let them book into another event unless you allow multiple bookings. Is that the case in v13? If someone gets a no show for one session, will that keep someone from booking into a second event if we don't have it set to allow multiple bookings?

We've advanced the rebooking/multiple attendance functionality across both v12 and v13 so that you can restrict multiple sign-ups to users with a particular attendance status.  Note the 'Unable to attend' status is unique to Totara 13.

multiple booking restrictions

If you allow multiple partial shows, how do you set the completion criteria for the event? Do you still require fully attended or is there a way to set a complex completion criteria, for example fully attended or partially attended for all events?

To support partial attendance/partial shows you would only award Fully Attended at the Event level once the required number of partials have been recorded across the event Sessions.  Having a Fully Attended status is a standard activity completion option.

Thanks all!