Totara Learn Open Discussions

Activity expiry

Activity expiry
?? 发表于 2020年11月25日 Wednesday 13:13


We have 14 course pages with a quiz on each, we are developing a pathway where they need to complete a minimum of 4 quizzes every 12 months to progress the pathway - is there a way to do this? Would programmes or certificates work?

Re: Activity expiry
AngusGeorge 发表于 2020年11月26日 Thursday 19:13
小组 Totara

Hey Rebecca,

Certifications are for the same courses  - the grades are historised and reset. But from your description it sounds - a progressive pathway - like new courses on a continuum of learning? Maybe a program would be better suited. For the minimum required pass you could set a passing grade for the whole course - and have a suitably grading scheme for the various quizzes within it such that learners have to pass 4.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

