Totara Learn Open Discussions

Populated fields in reminders

Deborah Cooke
Populated fields in reminders
door Deborah Cooke - Wednesday, 25 November 2020, 13:57 PM


When editing and personalisng a reminder I note that some of the pre populated fields are still appearing with the square brackets. Eg.

Dear [Cheryl]

This is a reminder to complete your course evaluation of [BestStart Way].

Can anyone advise on how to use these fields but ensure the brackets don't appear in the message?



Re: Populated fields in reminders
door George Angus - Sunday, 29 November 2020, 19:39 PM
Groep Totara
Hi Deborah,

I couldn't get these brackets to appear. Can you supply recreation steps?



Deborah Cooke
Re: Populated fields in reminders
door Deborah Cooke - Monday, 30 November 2020, 12:25 PM

Hello George

In the course I went to the reminders. I opened that up and filled in the fields. I altered some wording within the reminder itself but not within the brackets. The first part of the reminder that appears is called invitation. The wording below is literally what you see, So after I sent the message I assumed the brackets would drop away and I would see the person's first and course names as per the message below but from my original post you can see they are still there. 


Dear [firstname]

Congratulations on completing [coursename].

We would now like you to complete a course evaluation. This is important as it informs those responsible for training what is and what isn’t working. The course evaluation is mostly multiple choice questions and takes 2 to 3 minutes to complete.

Please visit the course page link below to access the evaluation:


Please action this within three days.

Re: Populated fields in reminders
door George Angus - Monday, 30 November 2020, 18:21 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Deborah,

So you are saying the messages that were sent out had the placeholders in them rather than the names of the learners who should be receiving the notifications? 

Do you have copies of them?

Would it be possible for you to open a Support ticket and attach copies?



Craig Eves
Re: Populated fields in reminders
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 3 December 2020, 16:00 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Deborah

This looks to be in the right format for the placeholders in the reminder.

I think there might be some hidden characters in the message  box or the subject box above this.

Are you able to delete the text in the boxes and recreate these to see if this helps.


Deborah Cooke
Re: Populated fields in reminders
door Deborah Cooke - Thursday, 3 December 2020, 17:35 PM

Thanks Craig. I've created a new messages and this time I've completely deleted the placeholder in the subject line and replaced it with my wording. I've also changed all the other placeholders relating to the course name with my own message but left the first and last name place holders as they stand. 

I am hoping that this will work correctly as I've included the actual link to the course where it's needed so users can click on this to take them to the correct part of the course.
