Totara Open Discussions

Complete appraisals by inserting line in table(s)

Ryan Speck
Complete appraisals by inserting line in table(s)
di Ryan Speck - Monday, 30 November 2020, 05:58

We have a unique situation this year with the college closing in the middle of review cycle. This has left so many reviews incomplete and with no real way to get them completed. 

Is there is a way within the MySQL tables that we could insert a statement in each signature line that is not yet completed. (a copy and paste)

What we are thinking is for those that have, at a minimum, completed the self-review and signed and dated it if we could insert a statement in any blank role signature/date field something like “Performance Appraisal not completed due to COVID19 Pandemic”.

Does anyone know which table(s) we should be looking at to accomplish this?

Craig Eves
Re: Complete appraisals by inserting line in table(s)
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 30 November 2020, 18:07
Gruppo Totara

Hi Ryan

There are database schema showing the tables and how they are related here

Manually changing the database is risky so anything you do needs to be fully tested.

You need to be aware there is no log of the changes in Totara, the data has complex relationships and any manual changes to database will not covered by the support agreement. 
