Totara Learn Open Discussions

site admin role for specific users?

Inge De Vos
site admin role for specific users?
بواسطة Friday, 4 December 2020, 6:50 AM - Inge De Vos

I defined a new role for our administration with specific permissions such as the creation of courses. The permissions for this admin role have been assigned at category level so that each admin of the different departments can only create courses for their department. However, when I log in with a test admin role, the site administration menu on the top right is not visible. This prevents me from accessing the permissions for this admin role.

Is there anyone who knows how to make sure that this role is able to reach all the available permissions for his role?

If I publish the same role on system level I will see a light version of the site administration menu.

Vladimir Puaca
Re: site admin role for specific users?
بواسطة Sunday, 6 December 2020, 2:39 PM - Vladimir Puaca
مجموعة Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Inge,

I might be wrong on this, as I am working on an older version of Totara, but they should be able to see the Administration/Settings button once they enter the category for which they are administrators. 

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
