Totara Learn Open Discussions

Adding tags to course in Totara 2.9

Adding tags to course in Totara 2.9
PuacaVladimir 发表于 2020年12月10日 Thursday 01:34
小组 Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi all, 

I am trying to introduce tags & to use them in our LMS. 

However, I'm struggling to understand and use them by tagging courses. I found an option to tag resources & activities, but not courses. 

Is there also an ability to filter & search courses by tags in Totara 2.9? 

I couldn't find much information about this in technical documentation for 2.9...

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


Craig Eves
Re: Adding tags to course in Totara 2.9
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2020年12月10日 Thursday 14:01
小组 Totara

Hi Vladimir

There is an enhanced catalogue report that I think should allow the addition of tags to the filters.
