Totara Learn Open Discussions

Certification - Different courses

Bianca Capponi
Certification - Different courses
de Bianca Capponi - Monday, 14 de December de 2020, 20:02
Hi all, I have a certification with two courses which are connected by an 'OR'. 

The first course is tailored to one division and the other to another division. Is there a way I can ensure only the relevant course is displayed to the end user when they launch the certification? I would prefer it not be on the end user to select the relevant course but for the system to only display the relevant course. 

I'm unable to create two separate certifications as we combine our recording of completion to the one code but I have created two separated audiences for my two cohorts. 

Suggestions would be much appreciated!   


Vladimir Puaca
Re: Certification - Different courses
de Vladimir Puaca - Tuesday, 15 de December de 2020, 11:51
Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Bianca, 

I am not sure why you are unable to use 2 different certifications, because it is possible to extract the completion records in one report using Certification completion report. For example, we used to have 2 certifications assigned to different groups, but the reports that we used to send to stakeholders for both certifications contained both records simply because the certifications had a great part of the title text the same. For example, it used to be Mandatory Fire & Safety certification with added suffixes for 2 certifications. 

Also, a good solution could be to use audience-based visibility. The downside of this solution is that the course that was not meant for one group would be invisible altogether - they couldn't access it at all. If this is not problematic, maybe go with this solution. 

Hope this helps and looking forward to reading other experiences & solutions :)

Best regards,


Bianca Capponi
Re: Certification - Different courses
de Bianca Capponi - Tuesday, 15 de December de 2020, 14:37

Thanks Vladimir, 

Unfortunately we are unable to use two certifications as we have configured automated exports to other systems. These exports rely on the certification code which must be unique per certification. 

Could you elaborate on using audience based visibility?

Thanks, Bianca 

Vladimir Puaca
Re: Certification - Different courses
de Vladimir Puaca - Wednesday, 16 de December de 2020, 09:03
Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Bianca, 

I have experience with using courses that are hidden in programs. 

When courses are hidden, users cannot launch them, although they are present in programs. 

When it comes to using audience-based visibility and coupling it in this instance I would do it like this:

1) Make 2 courses parts of certification & set up any to be completed in order to be certificated. 

2) Make 2 audiences (for example group 1 & group 2)

3) Enable audience-based visibility on site level

4) Make course 1 invisible for group 2

5) Make course 2 invisible to group 1

This should result in the completion of either course, in general, being sufficient condition for certification, but particular users from each of the groups will be able to launch only one based on the audience to which they belong. 

Hope this makes sense, but please write if you need more support with this. Aso maybe someone from Totara can say if my reasoning makes sense. 

Best regards,

Bianca Capponi
Re: Certification - Different courses
de Bianca Capponi - Wednesday, 16 de December de 2020, 15:13

Hi Vlad, 

You're solution sounds great and is exactly what I'm after but I'm unsure where/ how to set up audience-based visibility on site level. How might i manage visibility via audiences? I have created two audiences which represent the cohorts but I'm only familiar with managing enrolments via audiences. 

Hope that makes sense!

Thanks, B

Vladimir Puaca
Re: Certification - Different courses
de Vladimir Puaca - Thursday, 17 de December de 2020, 01:02
Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Bianca, 

I think it's best explained here: (search: "Visible learning"). 

In essence, it is an option available in Site administration - Advanced features which when enabled, gives you the possibility to set visibility level for courses (which translates to access in this case) based on audience. 

You can find more info also here:

Hope this will help. 

