Totara Learn Open Discussions

Certification editor

Clive Massyn
Certification editor
بواسطة Thursday, 14 January 2021, 6:13 PM - Clive Massyn

Hi everyone, all the best for the new year!

I am hoping you guys could give me some advice on the certification editor. We had 2 versions of a compliance module (minor variations for 2 different audiences) but only one of the versions (the original course) was included in a certification. Now we have put the second version into its own certification and instead of getting the learners to re-do the second version (they have already done the first version) we rather want to update some of the certification (or course records if necessary) to reflect the date that they completed the first version - some people completed it as recently as December last year so you can imagine they would not want to have to re-do a similar module again so soon in the new certification.

I have had a look at the certification completion editor and I would have thought that it would be easier to complete in the sense that you should be able to set the completion date and then the system should apply the same re-certification window etc that has already been set?

What is the best way to update the completion record so that we use the first version completion date as the date from which the new certification should use to determine when the certification will expire etc?

I am also unclear on what the difference is between 'certified, before window open' and 'certified, window already open'?



Craig Eves
Re: Certification editor
بواسطة Sunday, 17 January 2021, 5:54 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Clive

What happens when a course is added/removed from a certification is explained below - you may not have needed to add a second certification if this is what you want to happen..

  • If the initial certification path is changed for an active certification, this will not remove the certification completions for users who have already completed it.
  • Once a user is marked as certified any changes you make to the path will not affect their certification and it will remain as complete. Once the user reaches the re-certification window open point, the completion will be archived and the user will need to complete the re-certification path.
  • Only newly assigned users or users with a status of in progress will be affected by these changes and these users will need to complete the certification based on the changes to the content.
Assuming you don't want to go back to one Certification as it is too late to change then you can include as one of  rules in the audience that enrols people in the second certification that the user has a completion in the first certification before a specified date.

What is the best way to update the completion record so that we use the first version completion date as the date from which the new certification should use to determine when the certification will expire etc?

I can't think of a way to use the completion date of another certification in another certification as Certifications are independent of each other. It is possible to upload certification records with the required completion dates from file rather than using the completion editor.


Clive Massyn
Re: Certification editor
بواسطة Monday, 18 January 2021, 7:44 PM - Clive Massyn

Hi Craig,

Thanks for the input. I will definitely upload a file then to update the records. 

The second version of the course had some bits of information removed that were not relevant to that specific audience. That version was also never in a certification that's why we have created a new certification that automatically enrols the correct audience. 

Before we had this new certification the course page for the first certification told the learner's if they worked for a particular 3rd party they need to go do the module on another course page but everyone in the organisation was automatically enrolled in the first certification (legacy setup) and it just caused problems with re-engagement activity emails etc so now I want to in essence update the new certification record if they completed the first certification course. 

Hopefully that makes sense 


Clive Massyn
Re: Certification editor
بواسطة Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 10:10 AM - Clive Massyn

Hi Craig, 

So I tried the upload completion records and under the 'upload certification csv' with a file that looks like this: 

but then I get an error under the import report 'Errors - Invalid completion date'. I am doing something wrong or will this not achieve the goal I am after? The certification is in place, I want to upload a file with records like this and the certification will be marked as complete with this completiondate and the certification expiry date should show 1 year from this completion date?

Note: I also ensured that the completion date format was correct in the settings.



Craig Eves
Re: Certification editor
بواسطة Thursday, 28 January 2021, 1:04 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Clive

Ok the format looks Ok providing you have selected dd/mm/yyyy as the CSV date format 

I think sometimes Excel sometimes doesn't save correctly as CSV format - can you try the option CSV UTF-8 

Also look at the file using a text editor to see if there are any unexpected characters included in the file 

If this doesn't help then attach the file here and I'll see  if I can get this to upload.


Clive Massyn
Re: Certification editor
بواسطة Thursday, 28 January 2021, 2:10 PM - Clive Massyn

Hi Craig, 

So I tried to re-save the file and made sure it was in CSV UTF-8 and checked that there were no funny characters in notepad and all looked fine.

I have attached the file. 

Could it be because the completion date is after the certification was created? The whole point would be that the system would use the completion date to show that the learner is certified and use the completion date to calculate 1 year from that date for the recertification?

