Totara Learn Open Discussions

TL-29642 - Question search by TAG

Stephen Catton
TL-29642 - Question search by TAG
על ידי Stephen Catton בתאריך 26/01/2021, 01:57

Hello folks

We are using Totara 12.

It is possible to add Tags to questions but I have been unable to discover how you search for questions using these Tags.

I would be most grateful if someone could kindly shed some light on this.



(Edited by Andre Yamin - original submission Tuesday, 26 January 2021, 10:57 PM)

Craig Eves
Re: Question search by TAG
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 26/01/2021, 17:45
קבוצה Totara

Hi Stephen

Unfortunately the ability to add questions to a quiz based on tags is not part of Totara. 

A Partner has also recently asked this question and we are evaluating an external patch to see if this is suitable for Totara.


Stephen Catton
Re: Question search by TAG
על ידי Stephen Catton בתאריך 27/01/2021, 00:47

Thanks Craig.

We have 1000's of questions and managing them is not easy. We are having to look at using an asset library to help search for questions based on topic and difficulty.

