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Totara 12 is it posible to do?

Totara 12 is it posible to do?
VirgosLaurent 发表于 2021年01月28日 Thursday 00:20

Hello (sorry for my globish-french:))

Our HR team made a course about security.

This course has to be done and completed everytime that a user's "contract type" (it's a custom filed) change .

I tried to do that using certification and recertification but certification only works with dates.

Is there a way to do that thing?

Thank you

Craig Eves
Re: Totara 12 is it posible to do?
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年01月28日 Thursday 14:04
小组 Totara

Hi Laurent

It is possible to create a dynamic audience rule based on a value in a custom profile field. 

This audience can be used to enrol/unenrol the user in a course or certification (if is is one course then probably don't need a certification).

Unenrolling a user would delete their existing progress in the course or if you want these retained then change the external unenrol action so the progress is kept but enrolmemnt disabled

To detect when the value has been changed you would need a date field that would have the date when the field was updated and the rule would selected user who have been updated in the last day.


Re: Totara 12 is it posible to do?
VirgosLaurent 发表于 2021年01月28日 Thursday 21:57

I manage dynamic audience easily  it's really powerfull but your idea to add a custom date field is the idea I needed.

Thank you