Totara Learn Open Discussions

Received DB error and wondering if the DB can be recovered

Malinda Brown
Received DB error and wondering if the DB can be recovered
بواسطة Thursday, 4 February 2021, 11:59 AM - Malinda Brown

We received the following error yesterday in our LMS. it appears to be a database corruption error. I was wondering if anyone has experienced a similar error and if it possible the database is recoverable. 

Thank you for your assistance. 

Re: Received DB error and wondering if the DB can be recovered
بواسطة Thursday, 4 February 2021, 2:32 PM - George Angus
مجموعة Totara

Hi Malinda,

1) This sounds serious - you should contact your Totara Partner ASAP.

2) The error has not been attached.

