Totara Learn Open Discussions

Load & Performance Test tools for Totara

Valerii Kuznetsov
Re: Load & Performance Test tools for Totara
de Valerii Kuznetsov - Monday, 1 de March de 2021, 12:23
Grupo Totara

Hi Nikhil,

Yes, jMeter could be a good option. There is even a tooling around it in Totara.

Navigate to page Site administration > Development > Make JMeter test plan. There you will have more instructions on how to prepare site for load testing and generate testing plan for jMeter. 

You will need to setup debugging level to "DEVELOPER" and create test course (or generate it using Site administration > Development > Make test course page).

Never perform load testing or data generation on production site though, it will destroy the data.

Please, let me know if you have more questions.