Archived course forum

Reports Activity

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Carolina Mesa
Reports Activity
بواسطة Friday, 12 March 2021, 6:45 AM - Carolina Mesa


I would like to know, if it is possible to create a report on activities found in the courses.

For example:

Course Name | User Name | Activity Type | Activity Name | Completed. 

Another example:

Gather in a single report all the results of a template survey, used in each course.

Tom Ireland
Re: Reports Activity
بواسطة Monday, 22 March 2021, 4:16 AM - Tom Ireland

Hi, Carolina.

It's not possible to report on activities just now. You can use the report or grid catalogues to filter on specific activities using the 'Course Content' filter, however, it sounds like this might not meet your requirements.

There are a couple of features requests that I think may be of interest to you. I have linked the forum topics below so that you may jump in on these discussions. It's helpful for our Product team to understand more about your requirements so we can factor these into any future development. If you'd prefer to submit these privately, please pop a feature suggestion in via [our helpdesk].

They are:

I hope the above is useful.

