Totara Learn Open Discussions

Issues with (course completion) - RPL import

Jeen Raj
Issues with (course completion) - RPL import
von Jeen Raj – Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 8:07 AM
Gruppe Partners


Recently we discovered an issue with the course completion for users (Totara 12). We have imported previous score for users using RPL import but after that when a user complete particular module, it is not showing new data/ score and old RPL data is shown. Any help would be appreciated. Screenshot is attached.

In this case user has successfully completed course in February 2021 but old RPL data that is from 2020 is shown.  

Craig Eves
Re: Issues with (course completion) - RPL import
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 4:47 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Jeen

I assume you used the upload course completions feature to do this . 

I think you may have had the 'Override current course completions' option ticked whereas it sounds as though you want this to be a historic course completion so another course completion can be created.

If this is the case then you can archive the course completions to move these to historic completions - note this will archive all users course completions and won't work if the course is part of a program or certification. 

If the archive option isn't suitable then using the course completion editor to manually edit the current completion to not yet started or similar status and reimport the course completions to historic completions.


Jeen Raj
Re: Issues with (course completion) - RPL import
von Jeen Raj – Thursday, 18 March 2021, 6:00 AM
Gruppe Partners

Hi Craig,

Thank you so much for the reply. So I guess Totara will allow only one completion record for courses. If a RPL import is done for a user and if that user needs to update his score by doing course again, then the RPL import score has to be made historic. 



vijay Nanduri
Re: Issues with (course completion) - RPL import
von vijay Nanduri – Friday, 2 July 2021, 5:28 AM

I think we have a similar issue, as part of our implementation we uploaded 300 courses and turned on the Override current course completions to always  and we have imported close to 20,000 record. Now, our LMS has gone and live and the HR team is using the course to capture attendance for current training.

We noticed that for employees, whose records was imported  using bulk upload, the new attendance date is not showing up in the reports. 

what are my options so that new course completion date over ride the RPL data?

Craig Eves
Re: Issues with (course completion) - RPL import
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Sunday, 4 July 2021, 6:42 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Vijay

Just to clarify the upload course completions does not change anything in the seminar activity . The import changes the course grade and completion date.

There isn't really an easy  way to bulk update seminars although uploading attendance allows some functionality
