Totara Talent Experience Platform Release Notes

Totara TXP 13.6, Totara Learn 12.29, 11.38, 10.43, 9.53, 2.9.55, 2.7.61, 2.6.78, 2.5.82, 2.4.77, and 2.2.78

Riana Rossouw
Totara TXP 13.6, Totara Learn 12.29, 11.38, 10.43, 9.53, 2.9.55, 2.7.61, 2.6.78, 2.5.82, 2.4.77, and 2.2.78
door Riana Rossouw - Tuesday, 23 March 2021, 22:02 PM
Groep Totara

Hello everyone,

The following versions of Totara Learn have now been released:

These versions do contain security fixes, and for this reason we strongly recommend upgrade.
Each release also includes bug fixes and improvements.

A big thanks to the following people for their contributions to this release:

  • Wajdi Bshara from Xtractor - TL-29060

Kind regards
Riana Rossouw

Release 13.6 (24th March 2021):

Security issues:

    TL-29937       Added missing role validation in course enrolment interface
    TL-29939       Backported MDL-70822: Fixed profile access check when fetching a user's enrolled courses via web service

                   Previously, the external method core_enrol_get_users_courses didn't check
                   for each course that the acting user can view the other user's profile in
                   that course. For courses with "Separate groups" mode and enabled setting
                   "Force group mode", this could lead to visibility of user enrolments via
                   webservice when it should have been hidden. This patch fixes this bug.

    TL-29940       Backported MDL-70767: Fixed cleanup of feedback answer text to prevent possibility to store XSS and blind SSRF
    TL-29941       Backported MDL-70668: Prevented user account confirmation without valid secret key

                   An internal function was vulnerable to confirming user accounts with an
                   invalid secret key. The function has been improved to prevent this. All
                   existing places where the function are being used already provided valid
                   secret keys to the function, so did not expose a security vulnerability -
                   this proactive change was made to ensure that it cannot happen in future.

    TL-29943       Backported MDL-69844: Fixed the bulk messaging page for courses not obeying the site-wide user email visibility policy
    TL-29945       Backported MDL-69378: Fixed upload methods for enrolments
    TL-29946       Backported MDL-68486: Fixed arbitrary PHP code execution by site admin via shibboleth configuration
    TL-29947       Backported MDL-68426: Set a limit on paths length in yui_combo
    TL-29948       Backported MDL-67837: Teacher is able to unenrol users without permission during course restore
    TL-29949       Backported MDL-67782: Added a max length attribute to the personal message input box
    TL-29950       Backported MDL-67015: Improved testing around database module group access
    TL-29951       Backported MDL-65552: Fixed XSS vulnerabilities within activity results block
    TL-29953       Backported MDL-59293: Fixed checks whether current user can view online users
    TL-29954       Backported MDL-56310 and MDL-65326: Fixed privilege escalation within course when restoring role overrides 

Performance improvements:

    TL-29733       Added function to get names of enabled editors without having to load them all

                   This function gets the names of all the enabled editors without having to
                   load the editors. Using the new function editors_get_enabled_names()
                   instead of instead of editors_get_enabled() improves performance due to it
                   being used in page navigation.

    TL-29782       Optimised capability and access control checks when generating the settings navigation structure


    TL-29537       Fixed Tui Date selector input order

                   Tui Date selector input order assumed NZ/UK d-m-Y, it now respects

    TL-29553       Fixed autocomplete default settings used by Tui Forms

                   Tui Forms autocomplete now uses same default as Legacy Forms

    TL-29616       Converted warning text to info banner in course badges page when start date is in the future
    TL-29617       Usages of the SCSS @extend directive resulting in excessively large selectors have been removed

                   This improved IE11 developer tools time to open, and reduced overall CSS
                   bundle size dramatically.
                   It is recommended to avoid this directive unless you are extending an SCSS

    TL-29778       Added a new Report Builder column in the 'Assignment submissions' report source which displays the Assignment name with a link to the assignment activity
    TL-29852       Fixed Ventura theme showing under tenant menu when it is not the current theme
    TL-30039       Added new hook for altering of cache key in totara_report_graph block

Bug fixes:

    TL-28969       Restored seminar change notifications when only rooms or facilitators have changed
    TL-29060       Made core_renderer::favicon() always return moodle_url

                   The function was supposed to return string but some code secretly relied on
                   the internal implimentation that it had actually been moodle_url. With this
                   patch, the function now always returns moodle_url.

    TL-29064       Prevented a second request to accept site policies when using email-based self registration

                   New users are no longer required to accept site policies twice when using
                   email-based self registration.

    TL-29068       Fixed the tui theme mediator not allowing themes with numbers in their name to load
    TL-29176       Added an automatic reload of the page when an evidence type selection gets cancelled in the evidence bank

                   Previously when the user selected, then cancelled an evidence type to add
                   to his evidence bank, the selected option was not automatically redisplayed
                   in the list of available evidence types. It was only when the user selected
                   another evidence type or refreshed the page that the correct list of
                   evidence types was displayed. This fix forces a page refresh so that the
                   correct options are displayed.

    TL-29206       Fixed user data purge for users no longer assigned to programs and certifications

                   Before the fix, if a user was not assigned to a program or certification at
                   the time of a data purge, their completion data was not being deleted. If
                   this completion data is unwanted then a data purge should be reapplied.

    TL-29274       Fixed typo in totara message task_description string
    TL-29277       Hid the 'reset profile for all users' button when there are no custom user profiles
    TL-29307       Fixed tenant parameter validation for fetching styles

                   Fixed styles_debug to correctly interpret the tenant parameter. A bug
                   caused the tenant parameter to be incorrectly interpreted, thus ignoring
                   the tenant parameter and loading site CSS settings instead.

    TL-29394       Converted 'Required grade' label in 'Course completion' report source to a language string
    TL-29404       Added notice informing users that updating MS Teams virtual meeting rooms will cause their settings to be reset

                   Due to limitations of the Microsoft Graph API for meeting rooms, it is not
                   currently possible to update a room. In order to work around this
                   limitation, when meeting times are changed the MS Teams virtualmeeting
                   plugin deletes the existing room and creates a new room with the correct
                   times. This patch adds a warning to the seminar event edit screen, so that
                   room creators know to check their meeting settings in Teams after update.

    TL-29418       Fixed responsiveness of embedded YouTube and Vimeo media

                   Embedded YouTube and Vimeo media are now responsive when there is not
                   enough width to display with their configured size

    TL-29473       Fixed MS Teams theme so that it inherits some settings from Ventura theme

                   Before patch MS Teams theme inherited only default settings from Ventura
                   theme, so administrators cannot change colors, fonts, etc.
                   Now, any custom CSS setting from Ventura theme will be applied in MS Teams
                   application as well.

    TL-29480       Fixed recommenders crashes when there is no users or items data

                   Fixed recommenders not being able to provide any recommendations when there
                   is no users, content items (e.g. resources), or interactions exists within
                   any single tenant.

    TL-29535       Fixed language pack issue when using program notification

                   The German language pack didn't take effect when doing local customisation
                   in a part of Program messages. With this patch, Local Customisation shows
                   the preferred language edited string correctly.

    TL-29565       Prevented creating job assignment specific subject instances where the job assignment no longer exists
    TL-29578       Fixed a bug where some videos would no longer be centered, and fixed handling of percentage widths in media plugins
    TL-29608       Fixed the issue of mixing hidden workspace with setting enable audience-based visibility which show the hidden workspaces to the non member users

                   Prior to the patch, when the global setting Audience-based visibility is
                   enabled, and a hidden workspace was created, then a non member users of
                   that workspace were able to see the workspace. Which it was an actual bug.
                   With this patch applied, the hidden workspace will no respect the setting
                   Audience-based visibility and non member users of the hidden workspace will
                   not be able to see the hidden workspace.

    TL-29624       Added manager id to the seminar 'Event booking request created' event log
    TL-29629       Fixed notifications messages formatting

                   Fixed notifications formatting issue when some notifications (mostly Engage
                   related) where sent as single line text instead of being formatted as plain

    TL-29634       Fixed theme panel button colour not applying to non-Tui buttons
    TL-29664       Fixed seminar 'Sign-up' report 'Booked by' filter
    TL-29665       Top level tenant course category visibility is synchronised with tenant suspension
    TL-29667       Fixed dock overlaying main navigation logo on small screens
    TL-29724       Fixed theme colours not applying properly to navigation on mobile-sized screens
    TL-29749       Fixed an error when viewing evidence reports that only have the 'Name' column shown
    TL-29785       Allowed users who have the ability to create programmes or certifications in sub-categories to create them directly from the catalogue

                   Previously, the 'Create program' and 'Create certification' options would
                   only appear for users with the ability to create those learning items at
                   the site level. Creation options are now available for users who can create
                   items in any category or sub-category, even if they cannot create at the
                   site level.

    TL-29791       Fixed external participants being unable to view files uploaded to static content elements in a performance activity
    TL-29795       Fixed display of the 'Featured Links' block when using random display of gallery type tiles

                   This resolves an issue where the first tile would always be the same tile
                   and would not be randomised correctly.

    TL-29800       Fixed the Seminar update instance to skip the calendar update if there is a minor seminar changes

                   Previously if existing seminar is updated without changes it will re-create
                   all calendar entries which takes a lot of time to process it if the seminar
                   has 100+ events.
                   Now it fixed, the calendar entries will be updated if one value of these
                   fields is changed:
                    # Seminar name
                    # Seminar description
                    # Seminar short name
                    # Seminar calendar display settings
                    # Seminar show entry on user's calendar

    TL-29854       Fixed an overflow issue with the Tui checkbox component
    TL-29862       Fixed @mention and #hashtag suggestions appearing below the editor in some situations
    TL-29869       Weka fallback text area is now the same width as the editor was
    TL-29907       Removed unnecessary recursive method call in perform activity schedule tasks
    TL-29911       Added missing format_string() for Program & Certification names that are displayed on the Required Learning page
    TL-29920       Fixed animated gifs on the grid catalogue

                   The catalogue creates previews for learning item images in order to reduce
                   file size and load times. In the case of animated gifs, this was creating a
                   static image of the first frame. Previews will no longer be used for .gif
                   files, allowing them to be animated on the catalogue.

    TL-29924       Fixed display of the course participants page when the user is not in a group
    TL-29929       Fixed an edge case where old Uniform/Reform form field errors can stick around when related fields are edited
    TL-29960       Fixed theme loading in theme settings with minimisation of API changes

                   Previously theme settings relied on the global moodle page object to
                   determine the correct theme to use. This proved to be problematic as the
                   moodle page object is not set up in all scenarios, especially for GraphQL
                   requests. This fix causes the front-end components to pass the theme, set
                   up during the page request, to the API's that needs it in order to load the
                   theme settings.
                   A debugging message will be logged if the theme config parameter is not
                   passed for a specific API and the default config specified theme will be
                   used. To avoid any debugging message, or default theme config being used,
                   always pass theme config where possible to any theme settings API.

    TL-30045       Fixed exception that could occur with FormScope validators
    TL-30052       Ensured the selection of available Organisations and Positions are in an alphabetical order when using Self-registration with approval


    * Wajdi Bshara from Xtractor - TL-29060

Release 12.29 (24th March 2021):

Security issues:

    TL-29937       Added missing role validation in course enrolment interface
    TL-29939       Backported MDL-70822: Fixed profile access check when fetching a user's enrolled courses via web service

                   Previously, the external method core_enrol_get_users_courses didn't check
                   for each course that the acting user can view the other user's profile in
                   that course. For courses with "Separate groups" mode and enabled setting
                   "Force group mode", this could lead to visibility of user enrolments via
                   webservice when it should have been hidden. This patch fixes this bug.

    TL-29940       Backported MDL-70767: Fixed cleanup of feedback answer text to prevent possibility to store XSS and blind SSRF
    TL-29941       Backported MDL-70668: Prevented user account confirmation without valid secret key

                   An internal function was vulnerable to confirming user accounts with an
                   invalid secret key. The function has been improved to prevent this. All
                   existing places where the function are being used already provided valid
                   secret keys to the function, so did not expose a security vulnerability -
                   this proactive change was made to ensure that it cannot happen in future.

    TL-29943       Backported MDL-69844: Fixed the bulk messaging page for courses not obeying the site-wide user email visibility policy
    TL-29945       Backported MDL-69378: Fixed upload methods for enrolments
    TL-29946       Backported MDL-68486: Fixed arbitrary PHP code execution by site admin via shibboleth configuration
    TL-29947       Backported MDL-68426: Set a limit on paths length in yui_combo
    TL-29948       Backported MDL-67837: Teacher is able to unenrol users without permission during course restore
    TL-29949       Backported MDL-67782: Added a max length attribute to the personal message input box
    TL-29950       Backported MDL-67015: Improved testing around database module group access
    TL-29951       Backported MDL-65552: Fixed XSS vulnerabilities within activity results block
    TL-29953       Backported MDL-59293: Fixed checks whether current user can view online users
    TL-29954       Backported MDL-56310 and MDL-65326: Fixed privilege escalation within course when restoring role overrides 

Bug fixes:

    TL-29060       Made core_renderer::favicon() always return moodle_url

                   The function was supposed to return string but some code secretly relied on
                   the internal implimentation that it had actually been moodle_url. With this
                   patch, the function now always returns moodle_url.

    TL-29064       Prevented a second request to accept site policies when using email-based self registration

                   New users are no longer required to accept site policies twice when using
                   email-based self registration.

    TL-29206       Fixed user data purge for users no longer assigned to programs and certifications

                   Before the fix, if a user was not assigned to a program or certification at
                   the time of a data purge, their completion data was not being deleted. If
                   this completion data is unwanted then a data purge should be reapplied.

    TL-29274       Fixed typo in totara message task_description string
    TL-29535       Fixed language pack issue when using program notification

                   The German language pack didn't take effect when doing local customisation
                   in a part of Program messages. With this patch, Local Customisation shows
                   the preferred language edited string correctly.

    TL-29578       Fixed handling of percentage widths in media plugins
    TL-29624       Added manager id to the seminar 'Event booking request created' event log
    TL-29664       Fixed seminar 'Sign-up' report 'Booked by' filter
    TL-29785       Allowed users who have the ability to create programmes or certifications in sub-categories to create them directly from the catalogue

                   Previously, the 'Create program' and 'Create certification' options would
                   only appear for users with the ability to create those learning items at
                   the site level. Creation options are now available for users who can create
                   items in any category or sub-category, even if they cannot create at the
                   site level.

    TL-29800       Fixed the Seminar update instance to skip the calendar update if there is a minor seminar changes

                   Previously if existing seminar is updated without changes it will re-create
                   all calendar entries which takes a lot of time to process it if the seminar
                   has 100+ events.
                   Now it fixed, the calendar entries will be updated if one value of these
                   fields is changed:
                    # Seminar name
                    # Seminar description
                    # Seminar short name
                    # Seminar calendar display settings
                    # Seminar show entry on user's calendar

    TL-29911       Added missing format_string() for Program & Certification names that are displayed on the Required Learning page


    * Wajdi Bshara from Xtractor - TL-29060

Release 11.38 (24th March 2021):

Security issues:

    TL-29937       Added missing role validation in course enrolment interface
    TL-29939       Backported MDL-70822: Fixed profile access check when fetching a user's enrolled courses via web service

                   Previously, the external method core_enrol_get_users_courses didn't check
                   for each course that the acting user can view the other user's profile in
                   that course. For courses with "Separate groups" mode and enabled setting
                   "Force group mode", this could lead to visibility of user enrolments via
                   webservice when it should have been hidden. This patch fixes this bug.

    TL-29940       Backported MDL-70767: Fixed cleanup of feedback answer text to prevent possibility to store XSS and blind SSRF
    TL-29943       Backported MDL-69844: Fixed the bulk messaging page for courses not obeying the site-wide user email visibility policy
    TL-29945       Backported MDL-69378: Fixed upload methods for enrolments
    TL-29946       Backported MDL-68486: Fixed arbitrary PHP code execution by site admin via shibboleth configuration
    TL-29947       Backported MDL-68426: Set a limit on paths length in yui_combo
    TL-29949       Backported MDL-67782: Added a max length attribute to the personal message input box
    TL-29951       Backported MDL-65552: Fixed XSS vulnerabilities within activity results block
    TL-29953       Backported MDL-59293: Fixed checks whether current user can view online users
    TL-29954       Backported MDL-56310 and MDL-65326: Fixed privilege escalation within course when restoring role overrides 

Bug fixes:

    TL-29060       Made core_renderer::favicon() always return moodle_url

                   The function was supposed to return string but some code secretly relied on
                   the internal implimentation that it had actually been moodle_url. With this
                   patch, the function now always returns moodle_url.

    TL-29206       Fixed user data purge for users no longer assigned to programs and certifications

                   Before the fix, if a user was not assigned to a program or certification at
                   the time of a data purge, their completion data was not being deleted. If
                   this completion data is unwanted then a data purge should be reapplied.

    TL-29664       Fixed seminar 'Sign-up' report 'Booked by' filter
    TL-29694       Ensured marking completion by RPL respects the 'moodle/course:markcomplete' capability


    * Wajdi Bshara from Xtractor - TL-29060

Release 10.43 (24th March 2021):

Security issues:

    TL-29937       Added missing role validation in course enrolment interface
    TL-29939       Backported MDL-70822: Fixed profile access check when fetching a user's enrolled courses via web service

                   Previously, the external method core_enrol_get_users_courses didn't check
                   for each course that the acting user can view the other user's profile in
                   that course. For courses with "Separate groups" mode and enabled setting
                   "Force group mode", this could lead to visibility of user enrolments via
                   webservice when it should have been hidden. This patch fixes this bug.

    TL-29940       Backported MDL-70767: Fixed cleanup of feedback answer text to prevent possibility to store XSS and blind SSRF
    TL-29943       Backported MDL-69844: Fixed the bulk messaging page for courses not obeying the site-wide user email visibility policy
    TL-29945       Backported MDL-69378: Fixed upload methods for enrolments
    TL-29946       Backported MDL-68486: Fixed arbitrary PHP code execution by site admin via shibboleth configuration
    TL-29947       Backported MDL-68426: Set a limit on paths length in yui_combo
    TL-29949       Backported MDL-67782: Added a max length attribute to the personal message input box
    TL-29951       Backported MDL-65552: Fixed XSS vulnerabilities within activity results block
    TL-29953       Backported MDL-59293: Fixed checks whether current user can view online users
    TL-29954       Backported MDL-56310 and MDL-65326: Fixed privilege escalation within course when restoring role overrides 

Release 9.53 (24th March 2021):

Security issues:

    TL-29937       Added missing role validation in course enrolment interface
    TL-29939       Backported MDL-70822: Fixed profile access check when fetching a user's enrolled courses via web service

                   Previously, the external method core_enrol_get_users_courses didn't check
                   for each course that the acting user can view the other user's profile in
                   that course. For courses with "Separate groups" mode and enabled setting
                   "Force group mode", this could lead to visibility of user enrolments via
                   webservice when it should have been hidden. This patch fixes this bug.

    TL-29943       Backported MDL-69844: Fixed the bulk messaging page for courses not obeying the site-wide user email visibility policy
    TL-29945       Backported MDL-69378: Fixed upload methods for enrolments
    TL-29946       Backported MDL-68486: Fixed arbitrary PHP code execution by site admin via shibboleth configuration
    TL-29947       Backported MDL-68426: Set a limit on paths length in yui_combo
    TL-29949       Backported MDL-67782: Added a max length attribute to the personal message input box
    TL-29951       Backported MDL-65552: Fixed XSS vulnerabilities within activity results block
    TL-29953       Backported MDL-59293: Fixed checks whether current user can view online users
    TL-29954       Backported MDL-56310 and MDL-65326: Fixed privilege escalation within course when restoring role overrides 

Release 2.9.55 (24th March 2021):

Security issues:

    TL-29939       Backported MDL-70822: Fixed profile access check when fetching a user's enrolled courses via web service

                   Previously, the external method core_enrol_get_users_courses didn't check
                   for each course that the acting user can view the other user's profile in
                   that course. For courses with "Separate groups" mode and enabled setting
                   "Force group mode", this could lead to visibility of user enrolments via
                   webservice when it should have been hidden. This patch fixes this bug.

    TL-29943       Backported MDL-69844: Fixed the bulk messaging page for courses not obeying the site-wide user email visibility policy
    TL-29945       Backported MDL-69378: Fixed upload methods for enrolments
    TL-29946       Backported MDL-68486: Fixed arbitrary PHP code execution by site admin via shibboleth configuration
    TL-29947       Backported MDL-68426: Set a limit on paths length in yui_combo
    TL-29948       Backported MDL-67837: Teacher is able to unenrol users without permission during course restore
    TL-29949       Backported MDL-67782: Added a max length attribute to the personal message input box
    TL-29951       Backported MDL-65552: Fixed XSS vulnerabilities within activity results block
    TL-29954       Backported MDL-56310 and MDL-65326: Fixed privilege escalation within course when restoring role overrides 

Release 2.7.61 (24th March 2021):

Security issues:

    TL-29943       Backported MDL-69844: Fixed the bulk messaging page for courses not obeying the site-wide user email visibility policy
    TL-29945       Backported MDL-69378: Fixed upload methods for enrolments
    TL-29946       Backported MDL-68486: Fixed arbitrary PHP code execution by site admin via shibboleth configuration
    TL-29947       Backported MDL-68426: Set a limit on paths length in yui_combo
    TL-29949       Backported MDL-67782: Added a max length attribute to the personal message input box
    TL-29954       Backported MDL-56310 and MDL-65326: Fixed privilege escalation within course when restoring role overrides 

Release 2.6.78 (24th March 2021):

Security issues:

    TL-29945       Backported MDL-69378: Fixed upload methods for enrolments
    TL-29946       Backported MDL-68486: Fixed arbitrary PHP code execution by site admin via shibboleth configuration
    TL-29947       Backported MDL-68426: Set a limit on paths length in yui_combo
    TL-29949       Backported MDL-67782: Added a max length attribute to the personal message input box
    TL-29954       Backported MDL-56310 and MDL-65326: Fixed privilege escalation within course when restoring role overrides 

Release 2.5.82 (24th March 2021):

Security issues:

    TL-29943       Backported MDL-69844: Fixed the bulk messaging page for courses not obeying the site-wide user email visibility policy
    TL-29946       Backported MDL-68486: Fixed arbitrary PHP code execution by site admin via shibboleth configuration
    TL-29947       Backported MDL-68426: Set a limit on paths length in yui_combo
    TL-29949       Backported MDL-67782: Added a max length attribute to the personal message input box
    TL-29954       Backported MDL-56310 and MDL-65326: Fixed privilege escalation within course when restoring role overrides 

Release 2.4.77 (24th March 2021):

Security issues:

    TL-29943       Backported MDL-69844: Fixed the bulk messaging page for courses not obeying the site-wide user email visibility policy
    TL-29946       Backported MDL-68486: Fixed arbitrary PHP code execution by site admin via shibboleth configuration
    TL-29947       Backported MDL-68426: Set a limit on paths length in yui_combo
    TL-29949       Backported MDL-67782: Added a max length attribute to the personal message input box
    TL-29954       Backported MDL-56310 and MDL-65326: Fixed privilege escalation within course when restoring role overrides 

Release 2.2.78 (24th March 2021):

Security issues:

    TL-29943       Backported MDL-69844: Fixed the bulk messaging page for courses not obeying the site-wide user email visibility policy
    TL-29946       Backported MDL-68486: Fixed arbitrary PHP code execution by site admin via shibboleth configuration
    TL-29947       Backported MDL-68426: Set a limit on paths length in yui_combo
    TL-29949       Backported MDL-67782: Added a max length attribute to the personal message input box