Totara Learn Open Discussions

Upload a list of names from excel/csv file to set audience

Clive Massyn
Upload a list of names from excel/csv file to set audience
par Clive Massyn, Thursday 25 March 2021, 22:00

Hi guys, 

Is it possible to add names to a set audience from an excel/csv file? I have to create a manual audience of existing users on the LMS but there are over 100 so I prefer to not manually search each one and add them to the set audience. we are using v12.

Is that possible?



Alistair Marshall
Re: Upload a list of names from excel/csv file to set audience
par Alistair Marshall, Thursday 25 March 2021, 23:04

Hi Clive

The way I do this (there may well be a better way) is set it as a dynamic audience, and make the rule: 'username is equal to' and then you can paste your list into the field. If you have them in Excel, save it as a csv, open it in notepad and copy it from there, it will then paste them into the rule field as comma separated.

If anyone knows a quicker way, I'd be interested too!


Clive Massyn
Re: Upload a list of names from excel/csv file to set audience
par Clive Massyn, Friday 26 March 2021, 14:10

Thanks Alistair! I'll give that a try.

Craig Eves
Re: Upload a list of names from excel/csv file to set audience
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Sunday 28 March 2021, 17:53
Groupe Totara

Hi Clive

Alternatively if the rules don't quite work then you can upload users  with the cohort field with the audienceid value in it to assign to the required audience. Use the update existing users only option 
