Totara Learn Open Discussions


Maher DennisCatherine
Maher DennisCatherine 发表于 2021年04月12日 Monday 04:41

Hi All,

Is it possible to set a course as a Certification that is valid for 1 year and then once recertified it's every 2 years?

Craig Eves
Re: Certifications
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年04月12日 Monday 18:42
小组 Totara

Hi Catherine

it isn't possible to have different due dates for a certification and recertfication paths.

What you could do is create a program with the courses in the primary certification path and assignment due date of 1 year time .

Then create a certification with the recertification courses and the 2 year due date period and enrol users through an audience based on completion of the program


Maher DennisCatherine
Re: Certifications
Maher DennisCatherine 发表于 2021年04月13日 Tuesday 01:31

Hi Craig,

Thanks for the response, very helpful. Just need to figure out how to do that!

Regards Catherine