Totara Learn Open Discussions

Removing courses from current learning block on dashboard

Liz Baines
Removing courses from current learning block on dashboard
di Liz Baines - Tuesday, 1 June 2021, 08:06


We have a range of CPD courses that we want to make available to people within an audience, however, I don’t want all these courses to appear in the current learning block on the learning dashboard as it might be a bit overwhelming. We would like people within the CPD audience to be enrolled in all the courses so they can browse and complete the courses freely.

I have added a quick link block to advertise ‘CPD courses available’ to promote the courses but is there any way of removing them from the current learning block?

Many thanks 


Craig Eves
Re: Removing courses from current learning block on dashboard
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 1 June 2021, 17:06
Gruppo Totara

Hi Liz

One way to make the Current Learning block less busy is to create a program and add the CPD courses to the program. You can enrol learners in the program with the audience and they won't be enrolled in the course until they launch the course from the program.

This also has the advantage of controlling the order that the courses are completed in or how many course need to be completed and also allows program messages to be sent when a condition is triggered such as course set due or complete.

The current learning block will just include the program name which can be expanded to see the courses that make this up.


Liz Baines
Re: Removing courses from current learning block on dashboard
di Liz Baines - Thursday, 3 June 2021, 02:02

Thank you!