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Adding users with CSV-files

Adding users with CSV-files
DobberWouter 发表于 2021年06月7日 Monday 08:05


We are using Totara 13.7 at the moment and we are deploying users and their function profiles with CSV files.

But! and here is the snack, if a user is added to an extra function, by running an other CSV file, the existing function profile is overwritten.

Is it possible to get an warning or even better, just add the extra function without overwriting the older excisting function.

The CSV function had the option to "upload new users" and "ignore existing users", that worked great.

Craig Eves
Re: Adding users with CSV-files
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年06月7日 Monday 18:47
小组 Totara

Hi Wouter

Are you user the CSV User upload - this has various settings for how the data is updated including an option no changes which Ignores user detail data in the upload and leaves the existing user account data unchanged.


Re: Adding users with CSV-files
DobberWouter 发表于 2021年06月8日 Tuesday 02:50
We are using HR-import as we import user- and organisationposition in an CSV-file.
Unfortunately it seems to be not an option to prevent the overwriting of organisationpositions.

So, we need to check if users excist and/or have an organisationpos. before adding an extra position, this is undoable with sheets that contain 700+ users.
Craig Eves
Re: Adding users with CSV-files
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年06月8日 Tuesday 17:06
小组 Totara

Hi Wouter

It is possible to add a time modified value to the organisation and position files in HR Import that is a very early date (Unix timestamp value)

If this value is earlier than the existing value of when the data was updated then the data will not be updated.

I am not sure of what your data looks like and if you know which records you don't want to update.


Re: Adding users with CSV-files
DobberWouter 发表于 2021年06月9日 Wednesday 07:32

We use the fields "orgidnumber" and "posidnumber" to create dynamic audience per course.
where can i find the "time modified value"?