Totara Learn Open Discussions

Courses catalogue to show only courses user is enrolled to

Andrei Bohoru
Courses catalogue to show only courses user is enrolled to
de Andrei Bohoru - Wednesday, 9 de June de 2021, 07:57
Grupo PartnersGrupo TXP Site Administrator


Is there any way the users to see in their courses catalogue page only the courses/programs they are enrolled to? It's a big site with many courses, and every time an user opens his courses page will see all courses, even though most of them are not available to this one.

I tried without success finding something useful in Totara 12 - Site administration/Courses/Configures Catalogue but I couldn't find anything that will do what I need.

Any helpful ideas?

Thank you,


Craig Eves
Re: Courses catalogue to show only courses user is enrolled to
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Wednesday, 9 de June de 2021, 16:40
Grupo Totara

Hi Andrei

You could turn on Audience based visibility  and then set course visibility to enrolled users only - or enrolled users and selected audience if some non enrolled people need to view the course.

Each course will need to have this setting applied individually so if you have a lot of courses this will take a while unfortunately.


Andrei Bohoru
Re: Courses catalogue to show only courses user is enrolled to
de Andrei Bohoru - Thursday, 10 de June de 2021, 00:38
Grupo PartnersGrupo TXP Site Administrator

Thanks so much! It worked perfectly. I turned the Audience based visibility on and let the local admin know the settings for every course he have to do to have them visible only by the selected audience.
