Totara Learn Open Discussions

Seminar Room change not updating calendar invite

Cathy Manhire
Seminar Room change not updating calendar invite
di Cathy Manhire - Thursday, 1 July 2021, 09:34
We are using Totara Learn 13.8 and need to use the room settings to provide links for remote sessions.  From the Totra documentation I understand that changing the date, time or the room should instigate an updated appointment notification.  However, when I try to change the room from a generic room for remote meetings details TBC to one with a configured link, no new appointment is sent to the booked participants.  If I change the time however, a new appointment is sent including the new time and the updated room/link.

Should changing the room send an updated appointment?  It makes absolute sense that it should, whether or not a remote session is involved.

Seminar booking date/time changedA message is sent if the date or time of the seminar is adjusted, or if the room is changed.All booked participants and those on the waiting list.Seminar date or time is edited (and saved) or the room is changed after bookings have been made (or the wait-list has opened).

Might the issue be a delay in the time it takes for Totara to recognise tht there is a booking and that room changes should instigage a new calendar appointment?  i.e. should I wait longer, and if so how long, before changing the room details to test that the update happens?  We need this for when we organise events but don't know up front what the link will be.  When we know the link details we will then change the allocated room to one that has the link (if that will work).

Craig Eves
Re: Seminar Room change not updating calendar invite
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 1 July 2021, 20:39
Gruppo Totara

Hi Cathy

There was a fix TL-31038 in 13,9 that fixed notification not being sent on room change for 'One message per date' setting

  • Prior to this patch, when the 'One message per date' setting was turned on in the seminar global settings and room or facilitator changes were made to a session, the 'Date/time changed' notifications were not sent to the participant. This patch fixes the issue, so that notifications will be sent in this case.

does this sound like your case?


Cathy Manhire
Re: Seminar Room change not updating calendar invite
di Cathy Manhire - Friday, 2 July 2021, 00:47

Yes this sounds exactly what the problem might be.  I will check when we are likely to be getting 13.9 as this does seem to be the best way for us to ensure that people get notification of the room link into their calendar appointment and on in Totara without sending separate messages.
