Totara Learn Open Discussions

Discrepancy between activity completion report data and report using sco data as source

Clive Massyn
Discrepancy between activity completion report data and report using sco data as source
MassynClive 发表于 2021年07月4日 Sunday 17:36

Hi everyone, 

We have a course page with a number of SCORM activities. The completion criteria for each activity is simply 'Learner must view this activity to complete it'. Mastery score overrides status is yes.

I have created a report for the course page using the SCORM as the source so that we can have the learners team details. When I compare the SCORM report to the Activity completion report on the course page there are some discrepancies in the completion data. 

In this example the activity completion report shows that the learner has viewed the activity, the course page box next to the module is ticked but in the report it shows as Incomplete for 3 of the modules? This of course means that we cannot trust the SCORM report data. Any ideas why there would be incomplete in the SCORM report? Is it the Mastery override status perhaps?

Activity completion report

Course page

SCORM Report extract


Craig Eves
Re: Discrepancy between activity completion report data and report using sco data as source
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年07月4日 Sunday 18:29
小组 Totara

Hi Clive

The activity completion criteria in Totara is to view the SCORM activity . This means that the activities within the SCORM activity do not need to be completed for the activity to be completed. 

If you want to complete the SCORM based on completing each activity then then condition would be on a grade or Passed status.


Clive Massyn
Re: Discrepancy between activity completion report data and report using sco data as source
MassynClive 发表于 2021年07月4日 Sunday 19:25

Hi Craig, 

Thanks for responding. I'm not sure I understand though. Why do some of the activities show as complete while others show as incomplete even though they all have the same completion criteria i.e. learner just needs to view the sco? 

If the published settings for the sco file maybe said they need to view 20% of the slides, my understanding of the view activity to mark as complete would still mark the activity as complete or could that be the reason some of the activities show as incomplete? As far as I know the sco itself doesn't have a button or anything to say mark it as complete once 20% of the slides have been viewed. Could it be the Mastery overide score set to 'yes' be a factor? 



Craig Eves
Re: Discrepancy between activity completion report data and report using sco data as source
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年07月4日 Sunday 20:44
小组 Totara

Hi Clive

Just to clarify - have you got one SCORM activity that has multiple SCORMs in the package with one of the SCORM's called managing electronic records.

The activity completion criteria is triggered when the one SCORM package is viewed - if you want to mark the activity complete when all of the activities with the SCORM is complete there is a setting for this 

Require all SCO's to return completion status

So the completion criteria of view is for the whole SCORM activity not for each SCO within the activity


Clive Massyn
Re: Discrepancy between activity completion report data and report using sco data as source
MassynClive 发表于 2021年07月4日 Sunday 21:33

Hi Craig

So on the course page we have 5 sections and each section has its own SCORM activity with only 1 sco file for each. So what is strange is that some of the SCORM activities are showing as complete but 3 in this instance for whatever reason are showing as incomplete even though the activity completion report is showing that they have completed the activity and they all have the same completion requirement i.e. just need to have viewed the sco.

Hopefully that makes sense?  



Craig Eves
Re: Discrepancy between activity completion report data and report using sco data as source
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年07月5日 Monday 14:33
小组 Totara

Hi Clive

Yes that is strange they are not showing as completed if they are separate SCORM activities. 

Are you able to create a suport ticket for this with the SCORM files and settings so we can look at this further.


Clive Massyn
Re: Discrepancy between activity completion report data and report using sco data as source
MassynClive 发表于 2021年07月12日 Monday 16:48

Hi Craig, 

So I did a bit more testing and what I have discovered is that the sco file publish settings has a 20% view requirement in so that is the discrepancy between the activity completion report and the report that the system generates using SCORM as the source. 

The activity completion requires them to view the sco file but the sco will only send complete status if they view 20% or more.