Suggest Totara Engage features

TL-40059 Additional Workspace Owners

Georgina Christodoulou
TL-40059 Additional Workspace Owners
by Georgina Christodoulou - Thursday, 8 July 2021, 1:23 AM
Group PartnersGroup TXP Site Administrator

Currently there can only be a single workspace owner.

There are instances where workspace ownership needs to be spread across multiple people.

Workspace should have the ability to have multiple owners.

This is especially helpful for workspaces that are high traffic with multiple membership requests and moderation needs. It can be overwhelming for one person to have overarching responsibility for a workspace.

(Edited by George Angus - original submission Thursday, 8 July 2021, 8:23 PM)

Sam Taylor
Re: Additional Workspace Owners
by Sam Taylor - Monday, 3 April 2023, 2:31 AM
Group Partners

Hi Georgina,
I was about to request this myself! I've given it +1

It makes sense to have multiple owners to help with the management of busy workspaces.
