Totara Learn Open Discussions

Badge Size

Badge Size
ReedSteve 发表于 2021年08月10日 Tuesday 02:48


I've designed some badges for Internal courses - They are saved as png files and sized at 400x400 however when I upload them they seem to resize at 100 x 100 & are quite difficult to read text in the profile.  I expected them to display larger but can't seem to find any settings I can play with once the image is uploaded.

Am I missing anything obvious or do I need look at redesigning the badges to allow for an unchangeable default badge size in Totara (V13)?

Any advice / assistance would be gratefully received 



2021年08月10日 Tuesday 05:56
Re: Badge Size
ReedSteve 发表于 2021年08月10日 Tuesday 07:26

Thanks for confirming Matt - We're looking at a change in colour which may help but appreciate your other suggestions / advice.


Re: Badge Size
?? 发表于 2022年01月17日 Monday 02:05

We do have the same issue. It prevents us from using badges. Totara doesn't bake any text into the badge :-) So, you need some text in the image. 

Your suggestions don't solve the issue. The image must have a great quality to be downloaded and used in other systems. 

Best regards, Angela