Totara Learn Open Discussions

Totara 12- Merging 2 accounts

Karen Miller
Totara 12- Merging 2 accounts
de Karen Miller - Monday, 30 de August de 2021, 14:18

Until recently, our partner has been merging accounts for us when a user creates 2 accounts and completes training on both accounts. They are no longer doing this and suggested that we use the Merge Users plugin. Is this the best way to go about doing this or is the risk of losing data too high? If the risk is high, is there a better way to accomplish this? 

One of the other forum posts talked about downloading users records and re-uploading onto the correct account. Is this a better option or is this cumbersome?

Are there any other options? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Craig Eves
Re: Totara 12- Merging 2 accounts
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 30 de August de 2021, 16:01
Grupo Totara

Hi Karen

There is a risk to data integrity when deleting user data from one user.

I can't comment on the Merge user plugin as this isn't developed by Totara so not sure what safeguards it has for Totara data.

I think suspending a duplicated user and adding records maybe through completion record import to the main account would be a safe way to go so the records aren't deleted and non recoverable. 

is there a way the creation of duplicate accounts can be prevented in the future for example by having a unique username based on work email or through self registration with approval 


Nathan Harris
Re: Totara 12- Merging 2 accounts
de Nathan Harris - Monday, 30 de August de 2021, 17:50

Hi Karen,

I find the easiest solution to when someone has created a second account is to use the Upload Course Completions functions.

I just create a CSV file to upload the previous completions to the new account and then delete the old account.

Here's the link to the Totara 12 Help to explain it better.



Martha Hufham
Re: Totara 12- Merging 2 accounts
de Martha Hufham - Thursday, 10 de March de 2022, 14:39

Thank you! We've been struggling on how to handle this for several users that created new accounts.. This will be a lifesaver!