Totara Community Updates

Register for our upcoming webinars, take the updated Evidence Academy course and a change to the Community sign up process

Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Register for our upcoming webinars, take the updated Evidence Academy course and a change to the Community sign up process
par Rachel Griffith-Boyes, Thursday 2 September 2021, 03:35
Groupe Totara

Welcome to your Community update, bringing you all the news from the Totara Community! This week, sign up to our upcoming webinars, take an updated Academy course and a change to the Community sign up process.

Create your first playlist

Did you know that you can create your own resources and playlists in the Community, either just for you or to share with colleagues or the wider Community? A few weeks ago our weekly poll asked what kinds of activities you have been doing in the Community, and creating playlists was bottom of the list! If you want to know more about adding or saving resources in the Community, watch our explainer video.

The most popular answers were taking an Academy course, followed by watching one of our webinars (either on demand or live), so do check those out too. 

Fancy a look around the Talent Experience Platform (TXP)?

If you’ve not yet upgraded to the full Talent Experience Platform, join us next week for a webinar where Totara’s Head of Solutions Consultancy, Meredith Henson will give a live demonstration of the Talent Experience Platform. This webinar is for L&D and HR professionals looking to manage online learning, boost learner engagement and increase employee performance.

See the latest improvements to Totara Learn and get an overview of both Totara Engage and Totara Perform. Learn how these products combine to form the Totara Talent Experience Platform, which unites your learning, engagement and performance management all in the same place.

When: 9th September 4pm London / 11am New York


Can’t wait that long to attend a live demonstration? Don’t worry, you can watch a recorded demonstration here.

Upcoming webinar: Performance management in a hybrid world

Join Lars Hyland, CLO at Totara and Dani Johnson of RedThread Research to look at the latest research on how organisations are adjusting their approach to performance management - driven by the increase in remote working and reduced visibility, combined with the desire to improve employee engagement. Join the discussion, as they explore:

  • The new trends in performance management, as organisations develop hybrid workplaces

  • How leaders are aligning performance management, learning, and engagement to create a more interconnected discussion

  • The skills that leaders need in order to operate in the new world of performance management

When: 15th September 4pm London / 11am New York

Register today

Upcoming webinar - How the British Dental Association rapidly upskilled its membership during the Covid 19 Pandemic

The British Dental Association (BDA) is the professional association and trade union for dentists and dental students in the UK, offering guidance and training to experienced and trainee dentists. Covid-19 brought about unparalleled challenges that required the BDA to upskill its membership in record time.

Join Stephen Macdonald, Head Of Education from the British Dental Association and Joey Murison, Managing Director at Catalyst IT EU as they discuss how they successfully managed training during the pandemic.

When: 23rd September 4pm London / 11am New York


Updated Academy course

Do your team members ever need to capture proof of learning or achievement outside of your Totara system? Then you might be interested in our updated Evidence v14 course launched yesterday. In this course you’ll explore how to add evidence types and add evidence to a user’s profile, as well as how to link evidence to courses and competencies.

Getting to know you better

As the Community continues to grow, we are continuously working to improve your experience. To help us do that, we’re making a change to how users can sign up to the Community. From now on, you will need to use your company email address to create a Community account. If your current Community account uses a personal email (such as a gmail or hotmail account), please update your email address as soon as possible. It only takes a minute, and there’s a short video on how to do it here on the Community.

You’re free to update your email address at any time in future, so if you change companies you can still take your account with you.

If you have any questions or have a reason to use the Community but don’t have access to a company account, please get in touch with the team on

That's all for now, have a great week and look forward to seeing you in the Community!
