Totara Mobile App Release Notes

Totara Mobile App 1.0.12 release

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Totara Mobile App 1.0.12 release
von ? ? – Wednesday, 8 September 2021, 10:41 PM

Hi everyone,

Here we have the release notes for latest version 1.0.12.

Kind Regards,

Release 1.0.12:

Bug fixes

[MOB-913] - implementing promise handler when user logout

[MOB-920] - Videos embedded in the mobile app do not display correctly unless made full screen

[MOB-942] - Expanding weka content activity should not show warning

[MOB-944] - Characters in course activity section titles should not show as HTML entities

[MOB-956] - Error in courses list info inside a program or certificate set

[MOB-969] - Navigation to Course in program is not working

[MOB-972] - App should show course overview

[MOB-977] - Versions information not showing correctly

[MOB-980] - Learning items view list translation error

[MOB-988] - Remove console logs

[MOB-1005] - Additional Actions not working

[MOB-1009] - When user log into the app it should set correct session data

[MOB-805] - Not all logging present in Totara Mobile


[MOB-786] - Authentication flow should use Navigation API instead of switching components in one screen

[MOB-927] - App state handling

[MOB-945] - Navigation API for webview login

[MOB-946] - Navigation API for browser login

[MOB-953] - Add support for Fastlane, run builds and code signing easier

[MOB-954] - Auth Code Review

[MOB-1006] - Create Core query