Totara Learn Open Discussions

Manual HR Sync

Manual HR Sync
HarrisNathan 发表于 2021年09月22日 Wednesday 14:06

Hi guys,

I'm currently using Totara Version 12 and I'm comparing manual HR Sync with Upload users functions.

I see with the Upload users function you can enroll people in courses and programs (via audiences).  Can you do this with the manual HR Sync function or is that just account creation?



Re: Manual HR Sync
AngusGeorge 发表于 2021年09月22日 Wednesday 19:58
小组 Totara

Hi Nathan,

You can't use HR sync to directly enroll users into courses, but the functionality is way more configurable and a far better tool for the job.

Its easy enough to have users synced to a Dynamic audience containing tailored Courses, Programs & Certifications under the Enrolled learning tab.

With Dynamic audiences set up you've got the capability to assign accurately targeted learning across your entire company by organisations, positions, jobs, managers and a huge variety of other user metrics.



Re: Manual HR Sync
HarrisNathan 发表于 2021年09月27日 Monday 12:25

Thanks for your reply George.

We have over 200 independent organisations using our Totara site and one of the main users tells us their HR data is not reliable enough for HR sync.

Is there a way to force a user to complete their Job Assignment details?  Say on first log on or maybe 6 or 12 monthly?



Re: Manual HR Sync
AngusGeorge 发表于 2021年09月29日 Wednesday 15:44
小组 Totara
Hi Nathan,

One way to do this would be to use the Site Policies functionality, you could capture the results in Site Policy Records report source which could subsequently be synced.

Hope this is useful,

