Totara Learn Open Discussions

SCORM Package - imsmanifest error messagee

Ian Fletcher
SCORM Package - imsmanifest error messagee
di Ian Fletcher - Wednesday, 6 October 2021, 11:00


I am trying to upload a course into Totara and am receiving the following error message

Error Message

I have checked the .zip file and I can see that the course has an imsmanifest file in what would appear to be the root.

imsmanifest file at root

I then opened the imsmanifest file and confirmed it's in a SCORM 1.2 package

SCORM 1.2 Version Confirmation 

What next steps should I take to be able to get this course uploaded?



Brady Hann
Re: SCORM Package - imsmanifest error messagee
di Brady Hann - Sunday, 10 October 2021, 17:44

Hey Ian,

Outside chance, but I've found when this happens to me, it was because I was uploading the SCORM file immediately after exporting from Storyline, and unbeknown to me, the SCORM was still in the process of zipping.

May not apply to you, but that's the only time I've received this error.

Simon Seiffert
Re: SCORM Package - imsmanifest error messagee
di Simon Seiffert - Monday, 11 October 2021, 22:24
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Hi Ian,

From the file path, it looks like you have it as a folder inside the ZIP file - whereas it should have the imsmanifest at the top level.

So I would unzip everything, and then select just the contents (not the containing folder), and re-zip.

Hope that helps!