Totara Learn Open Discussions

Assessment and/or CPD on a mobile device

Craig Eves
Re: Assessment and/or CPD on a mobile device
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 21 October 2021, 18:18 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Mark

The assignment activity allows submission of files and comments and grades to be made by assessors

Totara's mobile app will allow content from the mobile device to be uploaded to this activity.

Reaccreditation sounds like Certifications could be used so the courses are reset after a specified period 

Alternatively performance activities could be created to setup the questions that each participant needs to answer . This isn't included in the mobile app but you could view the performance activity using the web browser on the mobile device to get this functionality . The screens are all responsive design but may still need a bit of scrolling around depending on the size of the device.
