Totara Learn Open Discussions

Using logs

Clive Massyn
Using logs
بواسطة Tuesday, 2 November 2021, 11:31 PM - Clive Massyn

Hi everyone, 

Lately I have been receiving a number of emails from learners saying that they have completed modules etc but when I test the module reporting everything reports fine and according to the logs the module has not sent  complete to the LMS. Is there a way that the logs track info to show how long someone was actually in a module etc? 



Vladimir Puaca
Re: Using logs
بواسطة Wednesday, 3 November 2021, 12:49 AM - Vladimir Puaca
مجموعة Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Clive, 

I suppose you are using the SCORM activity when you say "complete modules". 

Is that the case? In that case, you can click on the SCORM activity on the course page & one of the tabs should be Reports

By clicking on the Basic Report tab you will see a list of attempts of users. Once you click on one of the attempts & then Track details you will in most cases be able to see the time & description of which action the user took while engaging with SCORM content. 

Hope this helps. 


Clive Massyn
Re: Using logs
بواسطة Wednesday, 3 November 2021, 7:55 PM - Clive Massyn

Thanks Vlad,

Yes sorry I should have been more specific, it is scorm activities. When I click on the track details I only get cmi.core.lesson_location, cmi.core.lesson_status, cmi.core.total_time and cmi.suspend_data with a bunch of numbers.

Is that just a limitation of what's been sent to the LMS - what do the numbers under the suspend data mean?
