Totara Talent Experience Platform Release Notes

Totara TXP 15.0

Riana Rossouw
Totara TXP 15.0
על ידי Riana Rossouw בתאריך 4/11/2021, 15:38
קבוצה Totara

Hello everyone,

It is with immense pleasure that I can announce Totara 15.0 is now available.

This release includes 

  • the new LinkedIn Learning content marketplace plugin
  • a new Machine Learning Service to serve the recommenders system
  • new Linked review question elements
  • support within the Totara Mobile app to find learning catalogue and course enrolments

and many more bug fixes and improvements.

A big thank you as well to everyone who has contributed to this release!
Changelogs will follow.

Kind regards
Riana Rossouw

Riana Rossouw
Re: Totara TXP 15.0
על ידי Riana Rossouw בתאריך 4/11/2021, 15:40
קבוצה Totara

Release 15.0 (5th November 2021)

New features

TL-30479 LinkedIn Learning content marketplace

The LinkedIn Learning content marketplace plugin is a new integration in the Totara content marketplace. To make use of this integration your organisation will need a LinkedIn Learning account. The integration supports:

  1. Setting up the integration in Totara and LinkedIn Learning by an administrator
  2. Search and discovery of LinkedIn Learning courses in Totara by an administrator or course creator and the ability to import them into Totara
  3. Enrolling in and launching imported LinkedIn Learning courses from Totara’s Find Learning catalog by a learner
  4. Recording and reporting on course completions in Totara in real time by a learner or administrator

The LinkedIn Learning content marketplace plugin was released as part of an open beta programme for the Totara Partner Network in November 2021. Open beta participants will have access to implementation documentation, priority support and will be able to provide direct feedback on how to improve the plugin. To participate in this programme sign-up here:

TL-31507 Added a new review type for 'Evidence' to the 'Linked review' question element

We have implemented a new type to review 'Evidence' within the new 'Linked review' question (originally introduced in 14.0).

Admins can now set up a performance activity to include reviewing evidence as part of the activity. They can configure who (which participant relationship) can select the evidence for the individual activity instance.

It is possible to add sub questions to the evidence review question.

TL-31508 Added a new review type for 'Learning' to the 'Linked review' question element

We have implemented a new type to review 'Learning' (which can be courses, programs or certifications) within the 'Linked review' question.

Admins can now set up a performance activity to include reviewing learning items as part of the activity. They can configure who (which participant relationship) can select the learning items for the individual activity instance.

It is possible to add sub questions to the learning review question.

TL-32007 Added a new Machine Learning Service to replace and serve the recommenders system

In previous versions, the recommendations system was run as a scheduled job once a day (or as configured) to generate a number of recommendations for the entire site.

With this release we have introduced a Machine Learning service to produce real-time recommendations on demand. This service will be expanded upon in future versions for additional Machine Learning services beyond recommendations. The new service may be run independently of the Totara hosting server (e.g. on its own server, or in a Docker container). See extensions/ml_service/ for further details.

TL-32396 Find learning catalogue and course enrolments are now supported within the Totara Mobile app

This feature adds backend support for the mobile app to allow new find learning functionality. If your app is up to date and detects this code in the server it connects to, it will allow a user to view and search the learning items catalogue much like the webs grid catalogue. Along with viewing course details, enrolment options, and self enrolment / guest access to previously unenrolled courses.

This is the first mobile plugin to take advantage of the change to sub-plugins (TL-31067) and as such the majority of code and endpoints can be found under the mobile_findlearning sub-plugin at ./totara/mobile/plugins/findlearning. However this does tie heavily into the grid catalogue code, along with some other core graphql apis. This feature consists of the following:

New mobile persisted endpoints:

  • mobile_findlearning_view_catalog
  • mobile_findlearning_search_catalog
  • mobile_findlearning_enrolment_info
  • mobile_findlearning_attempt_self_enrolment
  • mobile_findlearning_validate_guest_password


  • TL-31723 - added a new core mutation to attempt to enrol users into a course via self enrolment, the new mobile_findlearning_attempt_self_enrolment endpoint ties into this.


  • TL-31720 - added a new core query to retrieve information on a courses enrolment options, the new mobile_findlearning_enrolment_info endpoint ties into this.

mobile_findlearning_view_catalog is a new query added to load a page of unfiltered catalogue items.

mobile_findlearning_search_catalog is a new query to load a page of catalogue items filtered using the same full text search you find on the web grid catalogue.

mobile_findlearning_validate_guest_password is a new query to validate guest access when it requires an enrolment key, which along with some small changes to the mobile_course query allow access for guests when the course enrolment options allow such.

Performance improvements

TL-30416 Improved the performance of IE 11 devtools by moving CSS Variable rules onto a dedicated root DOM Node

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-30630 Fixed counting likes/comments in a workspace discussion multiple times in one request

Previously when loading a list of discussions in a workspace, the number of likes and number of comments for each discussion were independently queried, resulting in a large number of queries run for a single request.

With this patch in place when loading a list of workspace discussions, the counts are performed once with the initial query, decreasing the number of queries needed to return the results.

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-30652 Improved the performance of course completion aggregations for the completion_regular_task

On large sites, especially those containing courses with multiple activities, enrolling large numbers of users to these courses can result in the catch-all task 'core\task\completion_regular_task' taking a very long time to complete.

The purpose of this task is to ensure that all completion information for all users enrolled in courses is correct and up to date. When users are enrolled in bulk, or changes are made to courses with a large number of enrolled users, the task may need to check and process thousands of completion records.

To improve performance and ensure that the task completes in a reasonable time, this patch not only streamlines the underlying check and processing steps, but also introduces the processing of completion records in batches. Only a single batch of completion records that needs to be re-checked and re-aggregated is processed in a single cron run. The following batch will be processed during the next cron run, etc.

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-30973 Improved the performance of the Record of Learning: Course report source when used with a very large number of course completion history records

Prior to this patch on older databases a large number of course completion history records (in the millions) would slow down the Record of Learning: Course report when the Past Completions columns were added. With this patch the report should now behave faster when used with a large dataset.

Important: This change introduces a new index on the course_completion_history table, which can take several minutes to run on a large Totara instance.

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-31089 Improved the performance of the user content restriction query

Mainly on MySQL databases the user content restrictions were scaling poorly with larger amounts of job assignment records. This has been fixed and performance on MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8 is now significantly improved if user content restrictions are used in reports.

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-31095 Improved performance of reports based on the user source when certain count columns are used

The query part for the following columns changed to improve performance:

  • User's Achieved Competency Count
  • User's Courses Started Count
  • User's Courses Completed Count
  • Course Completions as Evidence
  • Extensions

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-31156 Improved performance of displaying seminars with many events

Prior to this patch, the performance of the page showing all upcoming and past events for one seminar did not scale well with increasing number of events when the enrolment plugin 'Seminar direct enrolment' was activated. With this patch the performance of this page is significantly improved.

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31210 Improved performance of the \totara_program\task\recurrence_history_task scheduled task

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31570 Delegated the re-grading of final grades of enrolled users within courses when adding a new course module

Prior to this patch, when a course had a large number of enrolled users and associated grade records, it would take a long time to add a course module that has grading enabled. This was due to the re-grading of final grades occurring immediately when a new course module was added.

With this patch, a new adhoc task is introduced which defers the re-grading functionality into cron. The re-grading task will be deferred to cron, every time when a new course module (activity) that enable grading functionality was added to the course. A Course Creator, or Site Administrator will be able to see the notification banner when viewing the course that has the re-grading cron task pending. When the cron runs and all the grade records get processed, the notification banner will not appear again.

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31762 Improved the performance of the totara_icon_url_and_alt function

This function is used, amongst other places, for the display of 'Multi select' course custom fields. This change will improve the performance of report builder where these fields have been used. Contributed by Stewart Fulton at Kineo Pacific

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31863 Improved the performance of the room selection dialog for a session

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-32547 Improved the performance of the 'certification completion date' dynamic audience rule

Also available in 14.5 and later releases.


TL-29566 Added evidence type custom fields to evidence reports

It is now possible to view and export custom field data on evidence reports.

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-29734 Updated 'help command' into 'hero card' that contains 'sign-in', 'sign-out' and 'help' button in Microsoft Teams

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-29897 Improved the 'Multiple choice: Multi-select' element in performance activities to support a single checkbox

TL-30025 Created a new 'help tab' to display 'help' information in Microsoft Teams

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-30027 Added sign-out link for manual login settings on each static tab in Microsoft Teams

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-30099 Improved accessibility of block show/hide buttons

TL-30101 Improved accessibility of mobile view main navigation

TL-30102 Improved accessibility of the action menus when expanded/collapsed

TL-30103 Improved accessibility of close button in YUI dialogs

TL-30173 Improved accessibility of managing selected tiles in content marketplace explorer

TL-30177 Improved accessibility of close button in content marketplace cards

TL-30221 Added 'Achievement Status' column and filter to the Competency Status report

It is now possible to filter records shown in the Competency Status report on the Achievement status column thus allowing users to view only active (current) achieved values.

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-30279 Added the 'aria-sort' attribute to table headers created via tablelib

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-30285 Allow the uploading of custom evidence data while uploading course or certification completion records

It is now possible to include custom field data when importing course and certification completion evidence records.

The format for specifying custom field data is similar to what was used in earlier versions of Totara. The only difference being that fields available for import are no longer the same for all evidence types; these are now determined by the fields defined for the evidence type selected when starting the upload process.

Only evidence types marked as 'Available for completion import' can be used during the import process.

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-30291 Changed inline help for the 'force new attempt' setting in SCORM

Also available in 14.6 and later releases.

TL-30486 Modified audience adder to always load the most recent audience data

TL-30562 Improved the display of Atto autosave messages

TL-30730 Added a user-defined report feature setting for refinement of the Learn Professional flavour

A switch was added to the 'Shared services settings' section in the feature configuration that allows turning off the ability to create reports. By default this will always be switched on, except for installations of the Learn Professional flavour where it is forced to be off.

To access this feature, the site flavour must be upgraded from Learn Professional to a Learn Flavour.  

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-30732 Added a completion import feature setting for refinement of the Learn Professional flavour

A switch was added to the 'Learn settings' section in the feature configuration that allows completion import to be turned on or off. By default this will always be on except for installations of the Learn Professional flavour where it is forced to be off.

To access this feature the site flavour must be upgraded from Learn Professional to a Learn Flavour.  

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-30791 Added a logo button to use by default for Microsoft OAuth2 issuers on the site login page

A new option has been added to Microsoft issuers for the OAuth2 plugin, named

'Show default Microsoft branding'. This ensures that any new issuers of the

Microsoft type meet Microsoft's corporate branding requirements. Existing issuers of the Microsoft type are not affected by this change.

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-30794 Added a configuration option for the report builder graph to specify max value for x and y axes

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-30797 A users competency page now uses up to 2 lines when viewing the competency graph

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-30852 Renamed the 'Open in new window' button in Microsoft Teams to 'Open in browser'

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-30896 Disabled organisation hierarchies in Learn Professional flavour

A switch was added to the 'Shared services settings' section in the feature configuration that allows turning off the access to organisation hierarchies. By default this will always be switched on except for installations of the Learn Professional flavour where it is forced to be off.

To access this feature, the site flavour must be upgraded from Learn Professional to a Learn Flavour.  

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-30934 Added a warning to the environment page if the charset of the current database does not support four-byte characters

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-31009 Adjusted the default scheduled 'send_registration_data_task' task to randomise the time it is run to distribute the load 

The change also uses an upgrade script to reset the task to ensure the new

'randomised' time is set.

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-31021 Ensured that the CSS in the Microsoft Teams theme is compatible with older browsers

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-31038 Added a configuration option to Microsoft Teams tabs to allow the modification of existing tabs

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-31040 Added user custom field notification placeholders

User custom/profile fields are now available to use as placeholders in notifications that use the 'user' placeholder group, such as 'Subject',

'Manager' and 'Recipient'. Checkbox and non-public fields are excluded. Also, ID

Number, Language and Description placeholders have been added to the 'user' placeholder group.

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-31057 Updated Microsoft Teams settings to support Totara's Microsoft Teams gateway

Added a new 'hidden' setting option - $CFG->msteams_gateway_url - that can be used to define the Microsoft Teams gateway to be used. Once configured, the gateway setting will be available.

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31066 Added an optional description configuration option to the 'Custom rating scale' element in performance activities

TL-31162 Added a signature to verify that the Microsoft Teams gateway registration request is genuinely from a Totara site

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31259 Added a search filter to the filter bar on the performance activities page.

The search operates over the Activity Name and User Name fields.

TL-31260 Added a filter on the performance activities page to filter out completed activities

TL-31261 Changed the order and some strings of the activity list columns on the performance activities page

TL-31262 Changed the pagination of performance activity subject instances from cursor to offset based

TL-31264 Added a priority sorted card view to the performance activities page

TL-31276 Updated the URL to the product documentation and improved the wording of the 'Help' tab in the Microsoft Teams application

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31356 Added a function to let notification resolvers know notifications have been sent

Notifiable event resolvers are now able to implement a function

'notification_sent' which will be called when a notification based on the

resolver is sent. The resolver can then execute arbitrary code, such as recording the information in a custom log table.

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31378 Added the ability to use data series configuration on report builder graphs

This allows more advanced configuration of data series within a graph, for example, fill under lines in line graphs, line styles or colours of data sets.

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31379 Hide collapsible components when there is only one notification resolver

When there is only one item to show/hide, the collapsible component does not increase the quality of the user's experience. The show/hide elements of the UI are now hidden in these cases.

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31402 Increased the maximum length of course category names to 1333 characters

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31403 Created a 'program assigned' column for the deprecated 'mandatory' column in the learning plans (program) report source

Investigation showed that the 'Mandatory' column is only an indication whether the user is still assigned to a program that they previously completed. This column has now been deprecated and a replacement column 'program assigned' created to reflect the correct meaning.

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31438 Created an accessible HTML version of the certificate activity PDF

In the certificate course module a user can now access a HTML version of the certificate alongside the existing PDF version. This is to provide an accessible version of the certificate as the PDF is not currently accessible. If the certificate is sent via email to the user the user will be able to access the HTML version from the email via a link.

TL-31447 Added a CLI script for changing program start and completion times

The course completion editor allows administrators to change the date and time when an enrolled user completed a course to a date in the future. If this course is then later included in a program and the user assigned to the program, the resulting program completion record may indicate that the user started and completed the program in the future.

As the program completion editor does not allow changes to the program start datetime administrators have no easy way to fully correct their data.

The provided new script

(totara/program/cli/update_program_completion_start_end.php) allows

administrators to manually change program start and completion datetimes for assigned users.

Note: this script allows administrators to update multiple program completion records in a single run. It should therefore be used with care.

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31552 Goal target date changes are now recorded for posterity

This patch starts recording changes to goal target dates, both for personal and company goals. For performance activities, this enables the two goal review question types to display the historic target date setting at the time the goal was selected within the activity.

Also available in 14.5 and later releases.

TL-31626 Added a hook to allow the overriding of component capability checks

The totara\core\hook\component_access_check hook can now be used to override capability restrictions.

This hook is not triggered automatically but needs to be executed wherever overriding of capability checks are allowed, e.g. in performance activity elements.

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31653 Added basic support for mailto links in the WEKA editor

Also available in 14.5 and later releases.

TL-31713 Updated the welcome message that is sent when adding the Totara app to Microsoft Teams for the first time

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31763 The information shown when viewing a goal on a performance activity now includes the type

Also available in 14.3 and later releases.

TL-31764 Added the review type to the "Element type" column in the performance activity report source for "Linked review" questions

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31784 Conditionally show the filters 'Exclude completed activities' and 'Overdue activities only' in the activity list

The filters are only shown if the user has any completed or overdue activities in their list.

TL-31786 Added a sort by selection to the performance activities page to sort the list of activities

TL-31793 Improved the capability checks when selecting competencies in "Linked review" question elements in a performance activity

When linking competency review elements to a performance element, the selecting participant was not allowed to view and select relevant competencies of the subject user without being granted additional capabilities. With this patch the selecting participant in a performance activity will be allowed to select competencies assigned to the subject user regardless of granted capabilities.

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31797 Added a description text field to the "Numeric rating scale" question element in performance activities

TL-31805 Improved accessibility of Ventura theme settings

TL-31868 Improved the element spacing in Totara Engage playlists and resources on mobile

TL-31872 Added an option to show rating scale descriptions on the "Competency rating scale" question element in performance activities

TL-31930 Removed the admin buttons and headings on pages when viewed within Microsoft Teams

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31934 Added logout to configuration tab in Microsoft Teams and hid unwanted headings and configuration options

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31937 Added a configuration setting to prevent resending legacy program and certification messages on schedule change

Introduced a new configuration setting

'$CFG->program_message_prevent_resend_on_schedule_change'. This is only relevant

for rare cases where new message types based on the legacy

'prog_eventbased_message' class had been programmed and were carried over from

Totara versions prior to Totara 14. When set to true, it switches off the default behaviour of resending program and certification messages on change of the message scheduling.

Also available in 14.5 and later releases.

TL-31960 Made improvements to the collapsible side panel in Totara Engage on mobile

Changed the side panel in resources and playlists to not initially open by default on mobile viewports. Modified the position of the side panel expand/collapse handle on mobile to always show in the middle of the vertical viewport. 

TL-31990 Added tabs for each of the users roles on the performance activities page

TL-32023 Improved the capability checks when selecting evidence in "Linked review" question elements in a performance activity

When linking evidence review elements to a performance element, the selecting participant is now allowed to view and select relevant evidence of the subject user without the need to grant additional capabilities to the selecting participant.

TL-32024 Removed the required attribute from playlist description as it was not required

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-32078 Added a body class to every page when viewed within a Mobile webview

This patch added a hook to page setup, allowing plugins to watch for the hook and inject classes into the body of the page. Mobile watches for said hook, checks whether the request headers match expectations for a mobile webview, and conditionally adds a webview class to the body of the page.

TL-32079 Added the ability in the side panel comment box component to hide the like (thumbs up) button

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-32081 Removed the attendee date conflict check when copying seminar events

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-32082 Courses now displays a banner when being viewed as a guest

Courses now display a prominent banner so users can see that they are not fully enrolled (and therefore course progress will not be tracked). The banner shows different messages for 'guests' and also 'administrators' who are accessing the course without being enrolled.

If the user is able to enrol in the course the banner will include a button prompting them to enrol. In most cases this takes the user to the enrolment options page, but if there is only one enrolment method and that method supports

'non interactive enrolment' then the user can be directly enrolled when they

press the Enrol button.

TL-32117 Added information about seminar specific requirements to the 'Completion progress details' page

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-32146 Added Totara Comment placeholder group

A group of placeholders has been implemented which can be used to add Totara Comment content to notifications. This is not yet in use, but is available to third-party developers.

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-32216 Added a 'year range' configuration option to the 'Date picker' question element in performance activities

TL-32241 Added a 'select all' feature on the content marketplace page

TL-32284 Reworded seminar notifications help text

Previously the session booking and session date changed reminder recipients had the wording 'All events(past, ...)'.

However, these notifications never go out for past events. This ticket removed the word 'past'; the new wording makes it clear that notifications only go out for current and future events.

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-32400 Added support for detecting missing primary keys in the database schema check CLI script

TL-32463 Increased the length of the 'title' column in the 'notification_preference' table to fix an issue with the migration of legacy messages

Also available in 14.5 and later releases.

TL-32474 Implemented a hook for core roles to assign users with a different context

Currently `core_role_get_potential_user_selector()` has some logic to determine whether a context is 'above' a course or 'below' it, and chooses a user selector for assigning roles based on that.

The CONTEXT_MODULE is considered 'below' a course, and so the users you can select have to be enrolled on the course. 

For some cases, there is nobody enrolled on the course; the admin should be free to choose any user in the system (subject to multi-tenancy rules).

Also available in 14.5 and later releases.

TL-32517 Added a new key binding that adds multilanguage blocks to the weka editor

Also available in 14.6 and later releases.

TL-32595 Creating a workspace while viewing a workspace discussion takes the user to the newly created workspace

Also available in 14.6 and later releases.

TL-32598 Improved accessibility of 'Add to admin menu' dropdown that appears on admin pages by adding a label

TL-32603 Improved the accessibility of progress bars by adding an aria-label

TL-32637 Removed references to recommended workspaces when a user has none

Bug fixes

TL-29363 Moved the user profile content region to a similar location of the main region on the user profile page

TL-30367 Fixed CSS that was unexpectedly affecting tables inside a block

TL-30457 The add alt text dialog within Weka now shifts focus to itself when opening

TL-30467 Clicking outside of a dropdown when managing a competency now closes the dropdown

TL-30609 Fixed the 'fullnamedisplay' setting not being applied to the user menu

TL-30877 Fixed z-index stacking order issues when displaying the session error modal

TL-31412 Changed the 'unassign' option in the program exception report action to 'dismiss'

This reflects the actual behaviour of the code. When the exception is

'dismissed', it is just marked as 'dismissed', the users are still assigned to

the program and they will appear in the completion report.

A new column 'exception status' has been added to the program membership report source. Using this new column and the existing program name column, users can zoom into a user in the program whose exceptions were dismissed.

TL-31533 Improved the error handling in GraphQL if the user does not have the capability to view a category name with raw format

Technical changes

TL-28526 Added GraphQL mutations to mark courses, programs, certifications as viewed

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-30395 Set the loglevel to 'warn' in .npmrc to suppresses 'notice' level outputs, such as the core-js advertising on npm ci and npm install

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-30635 Made grade feedback format an optional value for get_grade_items webservice return values

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-30756 Added support for JSON validation

Implemented a JSON validator to validate the JSON against the JSON schema which is defined by At the very heart of the validator API, it uses Opis JSON Validator to do the validation of the JSON data.

TL-30804 Added the ability to execute GraphQL operations from page controllers

A new method execute_graphql_operation() has been added to totara_mvc/controller to allow execution of GraphQL operations from a page controller.

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-30956 Deprecated the function get_module_types_names() and added course_helper::get_all_modules()

TL-30974 Removed obsolete reCAPTCHA v1 file

Version one of reCAPTCHA has not been supported since 2018, and we have long since moved to version two or three. Cleaning up left over files and references to version one to avoid any confusion.

TL-31067 Changed the architecture of the mobile plugin to allow sub-plugins

This will allow for greater extensibility of the back-end of the mobile app, along with increased ease of customisation for clients interested in doing so. The current learning queries have been moved to the first sub-plugin, class stubs have been left in place in case anything has been extended and persisted queries remain in the same place pointing to the moved revolvers to avoid any conflicts with existing customisations.

The totara_mobile_me query has also been updated to return version information on any enabled mobile sub-plugins, for now this is limited to the current learning plugin but it allows further flexibility going forwards.

Also available in 14.3 and later releases.

TL-31207 The report link on Totara comments can now be hidden by the component which displays them

We have improved the 'Report' link in Totara comments by making it customisable per comment component.

Individual components can now describe specific rules on when it shows the Report link for comments and replies.

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31244 Allow notification resolvers to specify additional criteria

The notification API has been extended to allow individual notification resolvers to specify additional criteria which must be met before a notification will be sent. See notification technical documentation for details.

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31372 Added a new to_record() function for entities to have greater compatibility with legacy APIs

TL-31480 Removed superfluous trace messages when there are no notifications to send out

Also available in 14.6 and later releases.

TL-31635 Updated the totara_userdata component to use the ORM builder

Added two new functions

  • totara_userdata/userdata/item::get_activities_context_builder_join() same as totara_userdata/userdata/item::get_activities_context_join() but using the ORM framework
  • totara_userdata/userdata/item::get_activities_builder_join() same as totara_userdata/userdata/item::get_activities_join() but using the ORM framework

As Totara introduced the ORM framework, we are converting SQL queries from DML to ORM.

Please refer to the full documentation available here:

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31645 Added behat steps to check toolbar options in the Weka editor

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31661 \page_requirements_manager::js_call_amd() can now be called without specifying the 'function' parameter

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31682 Updated the ALLOWED_VALUES constraint in install.xml files to allow uppercase letters

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31720 Added a new GraphQL query to retrieve information on a course's enrolment options

TL-31723 Added a new GraphQL mutation to allow users to self enrol in courses

This mutation takes the ID of a course and enrolment instance, along with an optional password, and then attempts to enrol the current user in the course

(assuming everything is configured correctly).

TL-31782 Refactored the due date format in the 'mod_perform_subject_instance' GraphQL type and introduced a 'days to due date' attribute

TL-31800 Added more user fields for web service create and update functions

\core_user_external::create_users() and \core_user_external::update_users() can

now accept more user profile fields so user creation/update via web service can now be very similar to the edit profile page's functionality. The new fields that have been added are:

  • maildisplay
  • interests
  • url
  • skype
  • institution
  • department
  • phone1
  • phone2
  • address

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31979 Removed SidePanelCommentBox.interactor

The SidePanelCommentBox.interactor was introduced in the previous release but breaks backward compatibility. Any code that has depended on the prop since 13.11 or 14.3 will be required to use :showComment="interactor.can_comment" instead.

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TUI front end framework

TL-29630 Replaced the Tui component used for progress tracking

To support a wider range of use cases for 'showing step-based progress', for example showing current step in a workflow, and to support flexible type of content per progress step, we have created a new set of progressTrackerNav and coupled child components.

The original progressTracker and coupled child components that were made available in T13 are now deprecated, we have updated our usages of those components to point to our new ones introduced by this change.

TL-29716 Allow Uniform/Reform form state to be controlled by an embedding component

Also available in 14.1 and later releases.

TL-29719 Updated the collapsible component to match the latest design

TL-30893 Introduced a produce() utility in `tui/immutable` with a similar API to the open-source immer library

This allows developers to express modifications to JS data structures as imperative updates inside a callback, and have the modifications automatically translated to an immutable update - the library will clone the parts of the structure you modify, but leave the parts you don't pointing to the same object.

TL-31171 Allowed the returning of a new value from produce() in tui/immutable

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-31432 Added a core file card component

TL-31443 Converted the AttachmentNode Weka component to a thin wrapper over the new FileCard component

TL-31560 Improved the handling for invalid date formats within the Tui date selector component

Also available in 14.3 and later releases.

TL-31581 Uniform propagates the 'validation-changed' event

The 'validation-changed' event fires on change events in Uniform controlled forms and is now exposed at Uniform component level. The event supplies a `validationResults` object with validation details for each input field that has been touched.

Also available in 14.2 and later releases.

TL-31616 Extracted the skeleton content component from the content marketplace into TUI core

TL-31646 Improved the alignment of the lozenge component with other inline elements

The lozenge component will now visually align better with other inline elements.

TL-31647 Extended notification banner component to allow for custom body content

Extended notification banner component to allow for custom body content, custom inner layouts can now be added to a slot.

TL-31650 Added hasShadow and noBorder properties to the ActionCard.vue component to align it with the Card.vue component for consistency

TL-31789 Added closeOnClick prop to TagList component

Also available in 14.3 and later releases.

TL-31812 Changed table components to stack based on their own width

TL-31973 Included a loading display within the Vue datatable components

Included a loading display within the Vue datatable components using the skeleton content UI for a more polished look and feel.

TL-31977 TagList component emits open event

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-32112 Updated styling of loading button

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-32192 TagList component has optional "accessible-name" prop

The TagList component now accepts an optional "accessible-name" property that can be used to override the default name used in the dropdown's aria-label.

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-32444 Fixed issue where button text was covered by an additional HTML element

Also available in 14.5 and later releases.

Library updates

TL-28211 Moved library AdoDB to composer and upgraded to version 5.21.2

TL-28217 Upgraded library minify to version 1.3.63

TL-28219 Removed unused library Pear_Auth_Radius

TL-28220 Removed unused library Pear_Crypt_CHAP

TL-28223 Upgraded library TCPDF to version 6.4.2

TL-28226 Moved markdown library to required libraries managed via composer

TL-28241 Upgraded library ES promise polyfill for IE11 to 4.2.8

TL-28244 Upgraded library box/spout to version 3.3.0

TL-28246 Upgraded PHPMailer library to version 6.5.1

Also available in 14.5 and later releases.

TL-28271 Upgraded the ChartJS library used in Tui to version 2.9.4

Also available in 14.5 and later releases.

TL-30743 Upgraded library jQuery to version 3.6.0

TL-31875 Upgraded postcss library to version 7.0.36

Also available in 14.4 and later releases.

TL-32257 Updated indirect dependencies being used by composer libraries

TL-32258 Updated indirect dependencies being used by npm libraries

TL-32262 Removed unused pear Console_Getopt library


Stewart Fulton at Kineo Pacific - TL-31762